Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ughhhhh I have to go up first

'Cause like it's like defense first :C

Posted via email from The Tomato

Yay for Autopost

Direct is going well: cord left height fiber tire. 

Listening to Mushabooooom C:

Posted via email from The Tomato

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Raglan Castle

Posted via web from The Tomato

Standing on

Posted via web from The Tomato

Glass (2 of 2)

The Posterous bookmarklet is the bomb C:

Posted via web from The Tomato

I need to let go.

All this useless stuff needs to be thrown away.

I don't even have any use for all this...

Posted via email from The Tomato

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How Silly of Me

I forgot to change the title :C

Whatevs, just be creative and imagine that I came up with an extremely clever title.

Posted via email from The Tomato

I've Returned!

Just got back, so now it's time to giving a detailed description of all my observations/thoughts that I can recall.


So my alarm goes off, and I turn it off but go back to sleep...for about 10 minutes, until my mother comes in and I realize how late I am. I'm rushing to dress and get ready but by the time I get downstairs for breakfast I'm really tired and not hungry...
As I approach school I check to see if anyone's on the field, since I only had about 4.5 minutes left till the bell. No one was there, and so I later realized that Edo got there just a few minutes before I did and so people were still getting out their instruments, radda radda, no I don't recall what we did during practice, it was just run-throughs and stuff...

We had to turn in our study guides in the morning, so Erika just took it for me because she walks to the B building for 1st period, English was just going over the homework, and I was telling Lizzie about how adorable Ani was...

2nd period we walked in circles, Karen was talking about her cousins and their punishments that they have to suffer...

On my way to 3rd I saw Sophia, she waved and I flinched b/c I thought she was going to hit me...lolz.

For math it was just review again, but Lizzie and I didn't really do it together, it was more of a "oohh I don't get this why are you ahead" and "ooohhh I get this teehee you're behind" and we didn't end up finishing. :C

On my way to 4th I had a chat w/ Katherine about math/Chinese classes, I just noticed that her voice is really soothing... C:

Saw the grade for History, I didn't like it. :C It turns out that I did worse on my quiz than I thought I did... People kept asking questions during class and it got to the point where he had to explain "earth science." Yeah...

Lunch was...usual. Lizzie finally figured out who I was talking about (Ani!), and Jacque's all, "but he can't act!" Ohh pfffft whatever. Eileen...was still hungry after a massive slice of pizza. Lolz. We did some math, and I finally finished! C:

I thought we were going to have the quiz during 5th, but I was wrong, he postponed it or something. He says "mayyyyybeee tomorrow" but I should still study (some more). It turns out that I totally forgot to jot down notes, so I got a 4 for my assignment. :C My average assignment grade is still pretty high, but still...

When I got in the classroom I saw Lizzie/Rudy :D but she totally ignored me D:

The quiz wasn't that great, I made stupid mistakes...

Then we had sectionals, couldn't really focus/hear myself next to the clarinets, but we ended up finishing the song (yayayayayay!) and we ended a little after 4...

Dad was too busy to pick me up, Sophia had an ortho appointment (I really don't like that place), and the band room had exceptional air conditioning so I decided to stay there...

Until I got kicked out by the janitor at about 4:45

So then I went to the front and stayed w/ Cassadra + Joanne. Ummm...I don't remember what we were talking about... :/

Waited a long time for my mother to pick me up, she was talking on the phone about Facebook and how it had the "snowball effect" which I don't really understand. Anyway, we went to the bakery, and I got sponge cake!!! :D

Came home, had sponge cake, went on the computer...

Had a conversation with someone I hadn't talked to in a while, attempted to solve his math problem, then spent 5 minutes writing out the explanation (with my new tablet pen!) than my mother gave me, only to realize that he asked someone else and figured it out already. :/

Dinner was...not that great, wasn't really hungry...

And now I really want to end this post and study/do random crap!

I should stop w/ the ellipses...seriously...


Posted via email from The Tomato

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The faucet pretends to dream of sponges?

Haven't been on here for a while.
Dexter S2E4 right now...
That was mighty awkward.
Day 1 tomorrow, yayyyy...