Sunday, March 29, 2009

Watching TV

Posted via email from The Tomato


Done with work early, for once. Everything's been edited (but I really don't feel like starting on my tomato essay). 

Posted via email from Centrifuge



"Irony is a curse in disguise, corrupting and reducing everything to the same superficial level and abolishing depth in both values and relationships. Today, avoid the temptations of glibness and frivolity, and take life seriously for a change." 

Posted via email from Centrifuge

Saturday, March 28, 2009


The other night I saw a commercial:


But it would be more accurate if it were: 


Have a happy weekend.

Posted via email from Centrifuge

Thursday, March 26, 2009

New Beginning

Just finished extra credit. Hopefully this makes up for my C+ ...

I managed to finish pretty early today. At first I thought my essay was going to get a complete makeover, but I read it again, and didn't know what else to do with it... 

Posted via email from Centrifuge

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Her Vast Collection of Encyclopedias


All matter is made of incredibly tiny particles called atoms. Atoms are far too small to see with our eyes, but scientists have figured out how small they are. There are many kinds of atoms. Sand grains are made of two kinds of atoms: oxygen and silicon. People are made of about 28 different kinds of atoms. Material properties depend on the kinds of atoms the material is made from.

--Google/DK e.encyclopedia science

Posted via email from Centrifuge

Tuesday, March 24, 2009


I have issues. 

Posted via email from Centrifuge

Fie on Thee!

Math is completed, but the essay is still untouched. 

 Why do I do this to myself (?) 

Posted via email from Centrifuge

Monday, March 23, 2009

Having Fun with Speech Recognition

Not the line OT bit more are you working yes you are working chapter 15 sector one proposal of life's diversity each present scientists with a puzzle here and share the earth.  With Millen of the kind of organisms every Manual shapes as have that.  Evolution theory voyage of the beetle got the OS.  Darwin's theory of evolution if you look closely at the top what appears to believe the sentence of that we can see had this one Kings and is a great and cancel.! 
The way distinguished be to have offices and Gary@that turned the concept or was Charles darwin's contribution site about into Darman and then knoll our uses a lot as a bauble was so and that you knew a great deal about the plants and animals of his native country but so far more diversity. 
During his travels for example during a single day.  In a Brazilian Forest darling collected 68 different beetle species despite the fact that the period was not even certain appeal to you began to realize that an enormous number a species and patted the earth. 
Living organisms and fossils soon realize that living animals represented just a part of the puzzle posed by the natural world many places during his forage darling collected that preserved remains of ancient organisms imagine living all your life as a member of the only family on your street response excretion movement access skeleton limit and support the TV of cycle and other type of behavior.  That is influenced by changing seasons is migration.
Have you and you you RE the the the the thinking visually use the information the stack to complete following flow chart that means cells form duplicate chromosomes and of fighters attacked from the house and line up like the else's Lycos is e-mail announces often the formation of ½ points out a sheet a suspended sentence and open usually takes several six berenice convince them of something as important critical thinking formulating and you can sell the cell membrane A there is a lighter concentration of Sally Owens nuclear a less can four: light and micro grafts ghani electron Michael.
Graff scanning probe of micro graph that key should you carry oaks nucleus nuclei is a large membrane-enclosed structure that contains the cell genetic material.  Friday for most of human history mime the chain's local fair and reasonable many animals. 
And as he is saying that human rights then the effect of musicians on the buzzer allergist nick couple and Japan to man�hat for boys however, we're publishing government to move then known and loans even though the mission and mosre and is known to the market are you going to mime and had even gone is the pickup.  We needed a primary Physician and geology and ocean is yuan of GE conferees edges are getting data to monitor and evaluate.  The effects of human activities are important cisterns, in the biosphere two of the systems are the ozone layer.  Hiatt in that atmosphere and global climate system.

(Some of this stuff was from my bio book...hehe C:)

Posted via email from Centrifuge

I Got Up at 12 Today


Posted via email from Centrifuge

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Back + doing catch-up work. >:C I shall describe in detail our suffering..later.

Posted via email from Centrifuge

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Air Filter Finally Serves a Purpose...As a Fan

Finally finished, now I need to pack. Hand still cramping... 


Posted via email from Centrifuge

On to Dinner...By Myself

Hand cramp. 

 Finished with part one. It's so humid, and my lamp is toasting me...

Posted via email from polarjelly's posterous

Sunday, March 15, 2009


I have a v. v. 

 v. big problem.
I should be working! Should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working should be working... :C

Posted via email from polarjelly's posterous

Friday, March 13, 2009

Infomerials (That I Dislike)

No. They take too long to watch, and are extremely poor quality

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Dispicably Large Font

It. Was. Too. Boring.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Had to Ask For Her Finger

@ Sophia's. She has early practice today, so I had to ask her for her finger before she left (so I could use the laptop, can you believe we don't have math homework for once?). I haven't posted posted in a long while...English class has gotten me to cut half of my words for "fluency" and whatnot. Maybe I like to have some extra words. Hmp. Well, at least I won't be getting a grade on my posts. First day back @ school for the week and I'm bombarded w/ papers (some of which don't look pleasant). :C I have a 91% in math AND English (mostly because I've been turning in homework late for half credit). :C 87% on my first math test. Apparently I "finished" a question but I just stopped in the middle and when I came back to it I forgot that I stopped in the middle so I boxed the answer as if it were complete. Major disappointment. In English I got back logs for Acts 3 + 4. First one I got 18/20, then 11/15. :C Bleuch. The reason why my grade's so low is because CPB is the only writing section...43/50. :C That pulled it down really bad. Well, when she updates it with the persuasive letter (17/20) perhaps it will go up. WHY DID I HAVE TO FORGET TO TURN IN MY CPB? I worked so hard on it last Monday BUT I DIDN'T PUT IT IN MY BACKPACK. No, I just had to leave it @ home. Stinky. Made up the biology test (looked @ Sophia's graded test and I think I got a 4?), made up English Act4+5 vocabulary quiz (most likely 100%, hopefull worth a lot of points), and I ate lunch... Showed up in Spanish today with a lot of quizzes that I need to make up. Nobody wants to explain the subjunctive to me. :C I understand how to use it but now why or when. Panic panic panic. Drinking lukewarm water right now. My fever came and went during the day, but I'm better...P.E. was horrible since I was just shivering W/OUT A JACKET. :C I had an excuse note but I forgot about the cold and put myself @ greater risk and blah blah blah.... Thin mints. Yum. Unleash the words within! Excess words, I mean. Let me try that again. Unleash the excessive words within!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Not feeling well at all.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009


Oh, how I wish they had the Queue function here... :C