Friday, May 7, 2010

Note to self:

No more movies on Friday nights, especially when there is a project to be done, and an upcoming AP test on the following Monday.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's okay to make mistakes

You just  have to pay for the consequences...

UGH WHY AM I SO STUPID lsdka;flasndfo;iawelfas;lkdnf;oawenf;oiasjdfl;knasd;lfnas;ioejfo;iwaejfo;ianwe;ofnaweonf;lawe;nf


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Currently drinking orange juice that claims a 140% DV of Vitamin C

That's good for me, I guess.
I should be working on my essay...but I'll probably finish this up and study in bed. A nap sounds okay. Since I'm skipping ROP today (I swear, that's the only good thing about staying home), I'll have an extra 3 hours for the essay. And studying.
I was in bed when I heard it. There was a lot of braking, then a crash, and tires spinning on the asphalt. I think there might have been ambulances? Being almost asleep, I just thought that it couldn't have been dad. He must have already left. So when he came back home, I thought it was because he had forgotten something, not because he needed to drop of stuff from the totaled car.
He never said anything when he came home. In fact, it was Sophie who told me. Apparently Jose saw it and texted her...and I could hear people in the background asking if I was okay. At that point I didn't even know Dad was involved. It was a strange feeling, thinking how absurd they were when I knew that Dad was in one piece. But the car wasn't.
A part of me said that if I had indeed gone to school, we would have left earlier. And the other part says it would have been around the same time. But the truth is, if I had gone to school, he wouldn't have turned left.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mom, I'm not 16 yet

86. I don't think that's high enough at all, but it's the least of my worries.
Maybe if I just quietly disappear, no one will notice.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

{These brackets look really stupid}

Wow, Eileen's posting. And it actually made sense. Lololololol.
Just got back from Target and started putting up the cork board set. It smells nastayyyyyy.
There was once a time when I didn't care about what I posted. My pictures were always random, the stuff I wrote was out there, and all I did was blab endlessly about the stupid things I did that day...
Mother criticized me for that. But going back to read all that stuff is really fun. I can escape my thoughts of today and time-travel back years ago, to a time when all I was concerned about was ketchup.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I fail at life I fail at life I fail at life

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I am absolutely loving this new theme

It's so versatile!

Blogger in draft > Blogger

After I finish with this ridiculously tedious homework assignment, I will go enjoy the first part of Godfather II

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

In the band room

Waiting for Track people to finish. 47 minutes remaining...
I really like this keyboard! C:

Posted via email from The Tomato

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hooray for public computers (The Sequel)

Finished Round 4

I didn't do that great. Or at least, I missed a major oppurtunity. Iono.

Dinner later, got an hour to kill. What to do....? I really, REALLY
wished I had my DS



Posted via email from The Tomato

Hooray for public computers

By public, I mean standing in the middle of the hallway with people
reading off your shoulder kind of public.

At the law school building, finished 3 rounds...

Can't wait for today to be over, so exhausted D:

Posted via email from The Tomato

Monday, March 22, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

I think too much

I worry too much
...I think too much

Posted via email from The Tomato

Friday, February 19, 2010

El Biblioteca

Working on stuff...
Goal for this weekend: make the most of my time
Seriously, I have to stop just doing random crap and wasting all my time.
This new mouse is realllyyyy nice. C:

Posted via email from The Tomato

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In the library (again)

Guava has to stay till 4...Salsa, I think?
Working on notes.
Sophia is doing chemistry homework. And talking on the phone (oooh, not allowed!)
It is raining. Therefore, the library is rather crowded.
Ok, back to work, I need to finish before 7...

Posted via email from The Tomato

Friday, January 15, 2010


Yesterday my parents told me I probably have a smaller head as a result of malnourishment during childhood. I blame that for the B+....ahaha
In the library, ACTUALLY doing research.

Posted via email from The Tomato