Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Currently drinking orange juice that claims a 140% DV of Vitamin C

That's good for me, I guess.
I should be working on my essay...but I'll probably finish this up and study in bed. A nap sounds okay. Since I'm skipping ROP today (I swear, that's the only good thing about staying home), I'll have an extra 3 hours for the essay. And studying.
I was in bed when I heard it. There was a lot of braking, then a crash, and tires spinning on the asphalt. I think there might have been ambulances? Being almost asleep, I just thought that it couldn't have been dad. He must have already left. So when he came back home, I thought it was because he had forgotten something, not because he needed to drop of stuff from the totaled car.
He never said anything when he came home. In fact, it was Sophie who told me. Apparently Jose saw it and texted her...and I could hear people in the background asking if I was okay. At that point I didn't even know Dad was involved. It was a strange feeling, thinking how absurd they were when I knew that Dad was in one piece. But the car wasn't.
A part of me said that if I had indeed gone to school, we would have left earlier. And the other part says it would have been around the same time. But the truth is, if I had gone to school, he wouldn't have turned left.

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