Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July

July 4th, 1776. {Not today's date, but the date referred to for this holiday.}
Did you have a barbeque? I hope not because the smoke from the barbeques smell really bad...
Cartoon Network had a Chowder marathon today. CHOWDER! :D Rada-pendence day, they call it. Everything Shnitzel. I like Shnitzel.
We went to IKEA in hopes of purchasing a bed {for me}, BUT, I was totally unaware of the early closing time. Ugh. I DIDN'T GET MY FROZEN YOGURT! >:[
So without any frozen yogurt, we left sort of empty handed {aside from a small package of milk chocolate}.
Fireworks were so-so. We watched some on television and outside. THEY'RE NOT VERY ENVIRO-FRIENDLY.
What to do with the weekend ahead..?
Rada rada.

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