Saturday, August 30, 2008

Water In My Ear

Swimming... exhaustion.
Did not complete homework (yet).
I like the new buttons.
Only did 11 laps, which isn't too bad. Should've eaten more for lunch.
The dang pool was so crowded.
I got some shoes, too.
Countdown to Ultimate Doom: 5 days

Friday, August 29, 2008

Bird Poop

During band practice this drop of mustard-looking liquid dropped on my arm... Not pleasant. Obviously it was bird poop.
Thank goodness I didn't get all of it.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

People Poop

We started drill today. Dang it's hard.
While we were marching I spotted some poop. Outrageous. Who poops on plastic grass anyway? Too little to be dog poop. The cats are so sly at night, so no one ever sees them go on the field... Oh, what the heck. Just blame it on the football players.
Our Band Director came by and saw it. Apparently he thought it was cat poop. He tried to scoop it up with some drill pages, but no luck. Later he cut a plastic bottle and put it in there...
Gotta get cracking. (That applies to my homework too.)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

It's the Little Things That Make My Day

Ice cream before bed.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

It's the Little Things That Ruin My Day

Obnoxious crickets under the sofa.

Friday, August 22, 2008


I couple mintues ago I managed to coerce mama into making a blog. (Actually, I guess I just did it for her.) Supposedly she's posting right now but I can't tell... It's going to help with her grammar (hopefully) since English is NOT her native language. (Same with me, but hey, there's nothing wrong with being a child prodigy. :D) The theme is fruits and happiness. (Has to do with a recent dinner incident, I guess I forgot to post about that.) Geez she takes forever finding a picture for her profile (then again, tis' a picky lady).
URL will be on that blog list thing (hopefully papa will also post soon).
Making a blog for her reminded me that I haven't been posting for ages, so now the guilt's all rushing back... I guess I could blame it on my non-existent readers slash non-commited blog buddies. WHY AREN'T YOU GUYS POSTING?! Why aren't you reading mine....?
Chomping on some melted Nutella since I vacuumed off all the seaweed in this household... Chocolate takes away some some of the guilt slash anger. I like chocolate.

Thursday, August 21, 2008


Having some trouble with my homework.
The time slips away like a soapy watermelon...

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Soup Is Such a Funny Word

We're so luxurious, we have 2 kinds of soup for dinner.
Oh dang, Flickr has some nice pictures of soup.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

How Conflicting

I feel a strange sensation, as of now. (But lemme just say, THEY FINALLY PUT IN THE STRIKETHROUGH! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!)

  • I'm feeling like I gave up so many opportunities (because I wanted to post about stuff but didn't get the chance to didn't bother to do it.)
  • I'm feeling pressured because I am currently cramming all that summer homework. (I'm halfway on part 2 out of three.)
  • I also need to get started on those essays...argh.
  • I'm feeling glum because the people in the novel that I'm supposed to read are dying.
  • I'm feeling sad because there is a big stack of library books over there. (But of course I know I still have to work on my homework that I ignored all through July.)
  • But the music I'm listening to makes me wanna dance.
Ah, it's good to be back. (It would be even better if it weren't for my computer's functionality problems.)

Friday, August 1, 2008

I Always Spell Bannana Wrong

Potassium makes my mouth go funny.
Especially if I drink water after eating a banana...