Friday, August 22, 2008


I couple mintues ago I managed to coerce mama into making a blog. (Actually, I guess I just did it for her.) Supposedly she's posting right now but I can't tell... It's going to help with her grammar (hopefully) since English is NOT her native language. (Same with me, but hey, there's nothing wrong with being a child prodigy. :D) The theme is fruits and happiness. (Has to do with a recent dinner incident, I guess I forgot to post about that.) Geez she takes forever finding a picture for her profile (then again, tis' a picky lady).
URL will be on that blog list thing (hopefully papa will also post soon).
Making a blog for her reminded me that I haven't been posting for ages, so now the guilt's all rushing back... I guess I could blame it on my non-existent readers slash non-commited blog buddies. WHY AREN'T YOU GUYS POSTING?! Why aren't you reading mine....?
Chomping on some melted Nutella since I vacuumed off all the seaweed in this household... Chocolate takes away some some of the guilt slash anger. I like chocolate.

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