Thursday, August 14, 2008

How Conflicting

I feel a strange sensation, as of now. (But lemme just say, THEY FINALLY PUT IN THE STRIKETHROUGH! WHOOOOOOOOOOOOO!)

  • I'm feeling like I gave up so many opportunities (because I wanted to post about stuff but didn't get the chance to didn't bother to do it.)
  • I'm feeling pressured because I am currently cramming all that summer homework. (I'm halfway on part 2 out of three.)
  • I also need to get started on those essays...argh.
  • I'm feeling glum because the people in the novel that I'm supposed to read are dying.
  • I'm feeling sad because there is a big stack of library books over there. (But of course I know I still have to work on my homework that I ignored all through July.)
  • But the music I'm listening to makes me wanna dance.
Ah, it's good to be back. (It would be even better if it weren't for my computer's functionality problems.)

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