Sunday, April 5, 2009

Downward Spiral of Doom

Just got back home.

Spent the morning/first part of afternoon cleaning, blah blah blah.

Watched Flubber. I LOVE YOU, FLUBBER! Someone needs to buy me some Flubber. ^__^

I debated with what to do w/ the rest of my day. Lizzie wanted me to watch movies w/ her. It was really hot outside.

At first I wanted to go paddle boating (the ones where you ride like you would w/ a bicycle, but it's a boat), but I finally decided on kite flying.

So we went to the park...

There was no wind. AT ALL. Dad and I tried anyway...and I have now mastered a new way of kite flying: the Downward Spiral of Doom. didn't fly.

We then drove to the Lake place w/ the parking.

And then COLDSTONE! I waited at least 20 minutes in line. >:C Got a Kids sized chocolate. (12 and under, equivalent to the size of "Like It" but half-price!) Mmmmmhm. Creamy fatty ice creamy goodness. (Shhhhhhhh! Don't tell my mom.)

On to another park...I finished my ice cream in the car and we tried the kite again. This time there was a lot more wind. For a few flew. For a few moments.

I guess I'll go buy some turnips now?

Posted via email from The Tomato

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