Thursday, May 28, 2009


No, it's not a replacement. It just happens to be more updated. C: It's really strange, I haven't been posting w/ pictures recently. Huh. Maybe it's because it's so time consuming. MSG is the best! I promise you'll never hear me say that again.


@ Sophia's. Finished math, and did most of vocab. C:

I LOVE her computer! It's so fast and it's really easy on the eyes. I don't know why, but it zooms everything without making it blurry. Anyway, I need to study...

Today was pretty uneventful. Really tiring. Ran the mile over my fast time. :C Just 6 seconds off. I now have 19 points remaining? Augh.

We went to get food. MSG + high fructose corn syrup. Don't forget the chemicals from the plastic.

It took me a while to realize that I DON'T USE/UPDATE MOST OF THE WEB LOGS/SITES THAT I MAKE and it's really annoying b/c deleting = deleting the URL, and I like the URLs that I make... :C

Either I start posting more or it's DEATH to you all.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I'm So Motivated

Aw, I haven't posted in a while.

Just got back from the showcase. Fun... very.

These days I keep thinking that I'm "unoccupied" and have all the free time in the world, when in reality I have many important tasks to take care of.

My head tells me: Time management is overrated.

My parents tell me: At this rate, your future will be a failure.

My papers + planner + teachers tell me: Get working.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Friday, May 22, 2009

At the Salon

Currently Sophia is doing her hair and I have nothing better to do so I'm wasting her texts. What fun. Her keyboard's really weird though, so I'm trying to get used to it. Curls? I know, so strange. :D
 This place has a purple ceiling and I am sick of wrong numbers. This is taking really long, so I'm going to blabber some more.
 I made up the last part of my English finals today, and we have a dreadful essay to work on. At least we have until Wed. We were supposed to do a dissection on crayfish today, but we didn't get to it. Ah, she's still not done. :(
I'm getting tired of this, so I'll just hooe she finishes soon.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Is It My Fault or Is It Yours?

I can't tell.
Just got out of the shower, and you know how I always think too much when I'm overwhelmed with gallons and gallons of water..
A thought occurred to me: do I suffer from insomnia because I will it?
Maybe it's my bizarre way to rebel. I dunno. That seems kind of silly though. Why would I feel the need to put my health at risk?
Nevertheless, I need to stop it soon. If it even is my fault. :/ 
Here is my [illogical] theory that I might write a paper about sometime in college:
I feel the need to be rebellious --> My brain overwhelms w/ emotion --> Emotion leads to high brain activity --> High brain activity counters effects of the little melatonin that I have --> I feel awake and suffer insomnia for long periods of time, with little recovery days after.
Even on weekends I wake up too early now. I couldn't possibly be not tired!
My mother says I need to go to the doctor. Apparently, I also have SERIOUS problems with my:
  • digestive system
  • immune system
  • eyesight
  • feet
  • endocrine system
Isn't that just about everything?
Maybe I'm just not trying too hard...