Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Freaky Ice Cream Man

Today I reaaallly felt like eating ice cream, so I asked if I could walk to this one store. It was kind of a hot afternoon.
My dad said no and my mom said yes. Eventually I got too tired and decided not to go...
Then an hour later she said "Let's go!" That is how I ended up eating ice cream today. (Of course, we drove, since it was a hot, hot day and my mom isn't too eco-friendly).
We found parking, and I took out my purse. POCKET OF CHANGE! :D Change, as in quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. The cashier guy (who I shall from now on remember as: the freaky ice cream man!) looked at me as if to say, "What did I do to deserve this?" as I handed him my pile of change for the ice cream. The dude had long hair and was all punk-looking. I got the usual flavor, something with chocolate in it.
Heh, can you believe that I (or the FICM) counted wrong? There were 10 cents missing. Oh well.
So I ended up in a pretty good mood... Until my mom declared that we were going to the supermarket! >:(
I always despise going to the supermarket because they always take too long buying stuff. I ended up arranging the shampoo and conditioner bottles. Those horrid, horrid chemicals.

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Day in Events #11

Whoo. I did many things today!
  • Homework. You cannot believe how tiring reading can be, especially if you have to keep reflecting on it. Stupid reflections. UGH I'm never going to finish this.
  • Animal Crossing! Finally got to play it today. Not very long though... I still didn't get to harvest my fruits and I need to clean out my closet... Those darn mosquitoes are so obnoxious. I was reading the bulletin board and it said something like this: "Talking to Myself: When I see my sister talking to Pete, it makes me feel kinda strange... Must be something I ate."
  • Bowling. Virtual of course.
  • The Semi-finals of the Euro 2008. That last goal by Germany was amazing. >:]
  • Apples. Yippee.
Ok, never mind, maybe I didn't do that much...

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Day in Events #10

Today. Summer. School. Summer school. Today. Not. Fun. Summer school. Not fun.


I shall describe to you my day in detail, so that you will agree with me. (This includes you, Mom.):

  • One of the teachers was wearing red flare pants. They had flames on them. They were super baggy and should not be allowed for teachers. Did I mention it was a guy wearing this?
  • The lady was slouching so bad I couldn't eve hear her. She was practically speaking to the floor. What kind of a teacher is that?
  • They were surveying us. The summer program is to record/understand us, the subjects, and our learning abilities. I felt exploited. This information's is going to the government. Demented, I tell you. I do not want to be part of the guinea pigs.
  • I got stuck with the little kids. I mean, the kids that are just so sassy and love wearing ultra-mini-skirts and play Yu-Gi-Oh. No way.
  • The lady spent 30 minutes collecting paperwork. And then started talking about how she was a perfectionist. Everybody fell asleep by then.
  • There was a bright orange extension cord. BRIGHT ORANGE!
  • She was totally patronizing us and talking uuuuuber sssssllllooooowwwwww. >:(
  • The first thing the lady writes she spells it wrong.

So, there you have it. I'm never going back there again. NEVER!! >:)

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Isn't It a Surprise

It's a hazy Sunday afternoon (again) and my mother is reading front-page articles on Yahoo! Personals. What a wonderful thing. It totally does not surprise me that she is intrigued in articles talking about "why nice guys finish last." I give up.
I washed the dishes a couple of times last week and I'm getting paid (in very small amounts) for it. But come on, PENNIES?! I don't like washing the dishes.

Saturday, June 21, 2008

In A Bitter Rupture...

My mother thinks I'm socially and physically disabled. Awesome.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Your Words Mean NOTHING To Me

I was walking the whole day.
The WHOLE day and now I am exhausted.
Exhausted from switching from air conditioning then boiling oven.
Just watch. I will find an oppurtunity to punch you.

Thursday, June 19, 2008

My Eye, My Eye!

The other day I was experimenting with my homemade bottle of bubble mix. I had accidentally spilled some of it, and it landed in my eye.
I burst upstairs, grateful to find a bottle of eyedrops on my desk.
I was also grateful to find that they WEREN'T expired.
It still hurt though. Stupid bubble mix. >:O

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Don't Give Me That (What She is Saying at the Moment)

Technically, the season of summer came a long time ago, but it's really not summer yet until school's out.
Did you know that I have summer homework? 3 books, and lots of assignments that come with it.
Oh well. At least it's better than last year, when we had to do 7 projects involving personal information as well as news article research + artistic/creative decorations. That was just plain horrible.
At least during the hot season I am permitted to enjoy some ice. Well, occasionally.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Not Good For My Mentality

I went for a morning jog at the park today.
It wasn't too sunny at first.
But when we went back I saw a dead squirrel.
a dead squirrel.
Ran over by a car.
It was just laying there.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Purple Socks

The brightness never goes, never goes.
Nothing to do, yet everything to do.
The balloons died. I've yet to have a funeral for them.
If only I had some purple socks.

Friday, June 6, 2008

Current Project - Update #2

Objective: {Collect a waterbear. Kidding...} Convert MySpaceLosers (or plain non-MySpaceLosers) to become fellow blog buddies by teaching them the true meaning of the weblog, as well as learn the habit of consistency (by posting at least every other day).
  • Converts so far: 13-14?
  • Converts who seem to be keeping up the posting (AT LEAST every other day): ZERO.
  • Converts who seem to have given up posting: 13-14?!

I have utterly failed.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Late-Night Movies Aren't So Great

My parents were watching a movie last night, but it got too late so I just decided to watch it this afternoon.
It was excellent.
Who knew movies about butcher shops could be so interesting?
Aye, it was in French. At least the subtitles were understandable.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Talking to Myself

It's June already. I've got paint under my fingernails. My project/homework is taking forever to complete.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Your Logical Processing is Even Worse Than Mine.

This time, I did not forget my keys. Somehow I still end up at that one place with the yucky space bar.

The host is currently occupied in the lavatory, so I'm sure it's fine if I screw up her computer.

I hate yucky space bars. I blame my lack of neurotic processors. It's MY prefrontal cortex. Not yours.

Monday, June 2, 2008

My Pitiful {Poetic?} Nonsense #7

The blue ice cream truck
Bookmarks of mine have failed me
Pop! Goes the kitchen

Sunday, June 1, 2008

Talking to Myself

Alas, we have no more ice cream. I'm to starve all these evenings, with no dessert to fill my hungry stomach. Why must there be no ice cream for me to eat on these evening when I am hungriest? I've just come to realize that ice can be a bit bland sometimes. Rather, my mouth goes numb for a tiny bit and I can't really taste anything. What a bummer.