Sunday, June 29, 2008

The Freaky Ice Cream Man

Today I reaaallly felt like eating ice cream, so I asked if I could walk to this one store. It was kind of a hot afternoon.
My dad said no and my mom said yes. Eventually I got too tired and decided not to go...
Then an hour later she said "Let's go!" That is how I ended up eating ice cream today. (Of course, we drove, since it was a hot, hot day and my mom isn't too eco-friendly).
We found parking, and I took out my purse. POCKET OF CHANGE! :D Change, as in quarters, dimes, nickels, and pennies. The cashier guy (who I shall from now on remember as: the freaky ice cream man!) looked at me as if to say, "What did I do to deserve this?" as I handed him my pile of change for the ice cream. The dude had long hair and was all punk-looking. I got the usual flavor, something with chocolate in it.
Heh, can you believe that I (or the FICM) counted wrong? There were 10 cents missing. Oh well.
So I ended up in a pretty good mood... Until my mom declared that we were going to the supermarket! >:(
I always despise going to the supermarket because they always take too long buying stuff. I ended up arranging the shampoo and conditioner bottles. Those horrid, horrid chemicals.

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