Friday, June 26, 2009

Testing I've been playing...

Testing I've been playing with this all night and it seems to work pretty well. Then again I haven't really checked on my computer. So I don't know. But I'm pretty I get to get to talk all I want because it's unlimited after 9 and I don't need internet. Powered by Dial2Do
. Mp3

[Dial2Do from Sharon] Hello I am not typing this which

Hello I am not typing this which is very great no I am actually recording it and this is probably the most accurate thing ever because in comparison to my phony microphone that doesn't really work it just comes out precise and everything almost everything I say is what come out I'm dictating it's a great save of time and I'm just testing right now. PS.
I sent this email using my voice. Listen to it here:
Sent on behalf of Sharon with - Send Text Messages, Emails and more - just phone and talk.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

No, I didn't forget about it...

Posted via email from The Tomato

Thursday, June 18, 2009



Posted via email from The Tomato

In the Air

On the plane. Really bored. Went to sleep a while ago, but now I don't think I can go back to sleep anymore. Played RH for so long, had lunch, went to the restroom, and did other stuff. I wish we could get there already, though I can't say I'm eager for the landing.

Wow this was from a LONG time ago. It was in my Drafts folder for so long...hehehe...

Posted via email from The Tomato

At Practice


Really, really, really unoccupied.

This was from a while ago also...ahahaha...

Posted via email from The Tomato

Period 6

No, I'm not in the library...they're closed aside from returning textbooks. I'm at 6th Period and since I already passed the final, I won't be needing to do the make-up. Therefore...I have nothing to do.

I really hate this keyboard. So sticky.

Posterous really comes in handy at school. The other posting sites are all blocked, so emailing is perfect (it goes to multiple so I won't have to copy + paste if I wanted to post to all of them).

Yes, I am checking my email right now. And replying to some if. C:

1 hour and 45 minutes remaining. I don't get to sit next to who ever I want. :C

This is so lame. I can't even download a picture. :l

Attempting to chat w/ guava...we will rebel! Who says we can't talk?

Ugh, he declares "no chatting" and guava gets all freaked out. But it's not chatting! He means chatroom! We're just talking via email page!

So sticky. Damn keyboard. -__-

Well, it's strange, but I've just found out that WordPress isn't blocked. What makes it different from Tumblr or Blogger? -__- Stereotyping. Hmp.

I don't know what guava's doing, but she' she's not talking to me anymore.

Eileen's all the way over there, she doesn't have a gmail, but I still can't talk to her...

I guess it's kind of good that we are in a computer lab. On Fridays are free periods, we get to go on the computer. BUT, this situation only makes it 10x more likely for any student to die of some sort of radiation. Really. Even when the computers are turned off, they're still plugged in and the monitors are on. Because they're too lazy to turn them off. -__- I would complain about this, but I'll never be back in here, so whatever.

Sticky icky picky. Nicky. Wicky? Licky? Ricky?

I can't take it anymore. I hate this thing.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

List Time!

I haven't made one of these lists in forever. NO, I DON'T CARE WHAT THE TITLE IS SUPPOSED TO BE. WHATEVER.
About nothing in particular, perhaps not even factual:
  1. I've had too much chocolate milk in the past few days.
  2. I've also had too much candy.
  3. I need to study for my last final tomorrow.
  4. I think my health teacher has really bad issues.
  5. Sometimes I sit there and think of nothing, and I consider it to be pretty impressive to think of nothing.
  6. I don't want summer to come along.
  7. My fingernails are purple.
  8. Nobody knows that I have 5 birthdays.
  9. I will be graduating in the winter of next year.
  10. There is a plate of soap on my desk.
  11. I haven't posted a picture within a text body in forever.
  12. Genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism.
  13. I believe my glasses are beginning to melt.
  14. I am really really craving ice cream right now.
  15. It is quite sad, but almost all my grades are on the verge of turning into a B. :C
  16. I really despise the fact that our home had poor air circulation.
  17. I really should be starting on my summer homework.
  18. I ate vitamins today.
  19. I ate a lot of yummy things for dinner today.
  20. My mouse is crap. Really.
  21. Tomorrow is the last day of school.
  22. My grandma is coming on Monday then staying for 3 months.
  23. Genes code for proteins.
  24. My phone needs to be charged.
  25. I keep forgetting about small things, but those small things keep building up.
  26. My cup is out of water.
  27. I am thirsty.
  28. Writing choppy sentences makes me irritated.
  29. I have a horrendous sock tan and will never wear shorts again.
  30. Antonio looks ridiculous in a halo.
  31. My lamp is impossible to assemble, and will most likely be returned soon.
  32. I am going to take a shower.
  33. I lied. I'm going to waste time, wait until the last minute, then take a shower.
  34. I am going to go to sleep late because I love to waste time.
  35. I am going to show up late to school tomorrow because I love to be tardy.
  36. I cannot believe that I am on #36 already.
  37. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.
  38. I have tape over my eyebrow.
  39. I drank tons and tons of water today.
  40. A cladogram is a diagram of evolutionary relationships among organisms using derived characteristics.
  41. I really need to go shower and sleep now.
  42. There is not enough lighting.
  43. My eyes are going bad this very minute.
  44. I just pressed the backspace key seven times.
  45. I didn't study enough for my final tomorrow.
  46. Selective breeding allows only individuals with desired traits to produce next generation.
  47. My mother is speaking rather loudly right now.
  48. Fitness is the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment.
  49. I forgot to finish the laundry.
  50. There is a bunch of daffodils on the rampage.
Got to 50! Really now, shower + sleep. Gotta get to class on time tomorrow...

I called it!

Yellow Mini Cooper

Whenever I get out and I have a friend with me, my eyes are always watching. No matter where, I'll always be looking for buggies and I can punch people. C: Even in darkness, I'll spot it before you do. (At least the people less experienced at it...)

This summer, I'll finally be eating ice cream

Homemade butterscotch ice cream

Ice cream. I'm never allowed to eat it because of some bogus excuse that my parents give me. BUT, once it's summer, they're dying in the heat too so they won't mind if I have a little dessert now and then...

Ice cubes are good too.

Wanna buy some?

Bubble Catcher

If I owned a store, I'd sell the things that bring us back to childhood. Some jump ropes (which reminds me, I need to get mine back), some magical bubble-blowing solution, and solar powered toys. Those are the best.

I would also sell stationary. Because it's so fun to buy stationary! It really entices kids to study + learn + be organized when you give them new stuff. Really.

My store would probably also carry sunscreen. Because nobody wants a bad sock tan or skin cancer. Nobody. Seriously, STAY AWAY FROM SOCK TANS.


Whenever I read the posts from almost 2 years ago I immediately direct my cursor to the "delete post" button because the words don't make sense and just take up space.

Really now, what's the point of keeping things? I guess that leads to why even post? It's so much easier to call someone or talk face to face. No one's going to read it anyway...

But I won't delete, because a couple years later, not only will it be stupid, it'll also be funny. Really, really, really funny.

Perhaps it will help with some kind of biography/flashback assignment in the future. Ahah.

Had some apples today, did some laundry, going to study later for my LAST TEST TOMORROW! And then perhaps a corny movie or a retarded children's TV show from Netflix.

Ta-ta for now.

Posted via email from The Tomato