Wednesday, June 17, 2009

List Time!

I haven't made one of these lists in forever. NO, I DON'T CARE WHAT THE TITLE IS SUPPOSED TO BE. WHATEVER.
About nothing in particular, perhaps not even factual:
  1. I've had too much chocolate milk in the past few days.
  2. I've also had too much candy.
  3. I need to study for my last final tomorrow.
  4. I think my health teacher has really bad issues.
  5. Sometimes I sit there and think of nothing, and I consider it to be pretty impressive to think of nothing.
  6. I don't want summer to come along.
  7. My fingernails are purple.
  8. Nobody knows that I have 5 birthdays.
  9. I will be graduating in the winter of next year.
  10. There is a plate of soap on my desk.
  11. I haven't posted a picture within a text body in forever.
  12. Genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism.
  13. I believe my glasses are beginning to melt.
  14. I am really really craving ice cream right now.
  15. It is quite sad, but almost all my grades are on the verge of turning into a B. :C
  16. I really despise the fact that our home had poor air circulation.
  17. I really should be starting on my summer homework.
  18. I ate vitamins today.
  19. I ate a lot of yummy things for dinner today.
  20. My mouse is crap. Really.
  21. Tomorrow is the last day of school.
  22. My grandma is coming on Monday then staying for 3 months.
  23. Genes code for proteins.
  24. My phone needs to be charged.
  25. I keep forgetting about small things, but those small things keep building up.
  26. My cup is out of water.
  27. I am thirsty.
  28. Writing choppy sentences makes me irritated.
  29. I have a horrendous sock tan and will never wear shorts again.
  30. Antonio looks ridiculous in a halo.
  31. My lamp is impossible to assemble, and will most likely be returned soon.
  32. I am going to take a shower.
  33. I lied. I'm going to waste time, wait until the last minute, then take a shower.
  34. I am going to go to sleep late because I love to waste time.
  35. I am going to show up late to school tomorrow because I love to be tardy.
  36. I cannot believe that I am on #36 already.
  37. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.
  38. I have tape over my eyebrow.
  39. I drank tons and tons of water today.
  40. A cladogram is a diagram of evolutionary relationships among organisms using derived characteristics.
  41. I really need to go shower and sleep now.
  42. There is not enough lighting.
  43. My eyes are going bad this very minute.
  44. I just pressed the backspace key seven times.
  45. I didn't study enough for my final tomorrow.
  46. Selective breeding allows only individuals with desired traits to produce next generation.
  47. My mother is speaking rather loudly right now.
  48. Fitness is the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment.
  49. I forgot to finish the laundry.
  50. There is a bunch of daffodils on the rampage.
Got to 50! Really now, shower + sleep. Gotta get to class on time tomorrow...

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