Thursday, June 18, 2009

Period 6

No, I'm not in the library...they're closed aside from returning textbooks. I'm at 6th Period and since I already passed the final, I won't be needing to do the make-up. Therefore...I have nothing to do.

I really hate this keyboard. So sticky.

Posterous really comes in handy at school. The other posting sites are all blocked, so emailing is perfect (it goes to multiple so I won't have to copy + paste if I wanted to post to all of them).

Yes, I am checking my email right now. And replying to some if. C:

1 hour and 45 minutes remaining. I don't get to sit next to who ever I want. :C

This is so lame. I can't even download a picture. :l

Attempting to chat w/ guava...we will rebel! Who says we can't talk?

Ugh, he declares "no chatting" and guava gets all freaked out. But it's not chatting! He means chatroom! We're just talking via email page!

So sticky. Damn keyboard. -__-

Well, it's strange, but I've just found out that WordPress isn't blocked. What makes it different from Tumblr or Blogger? -__- Stereotyping. Hmp.

I don't know what guava's doing, but she' she's not talking to me anymore.

Eileen's all the way over there, she doesn't have a gmail, but I still can't talk to her...

I guess it's kind of good that we are in a computer lab. On Fridays are free periods, we get to go on the computer. BUT, this situation only makes it 10x more likely for any student to die of some sort of radiation. Really. Even when the computers are turned off, they're still plugged in and the monitors are on. Because they're too lazy to turn them off. -__- I would complain about this, but I'll never be back in here, so whatever.

Sticky icky picky. Nicky. Wicky? Licky? Ricky?

I can't take it anymore. I hate this thing.

Posted via email from The Tomato

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