Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Don't Think She Noticed

A couple days ago my mom was criticizing me about how my blog posts are too long + blabby. Well, if you looked at the first few couple of posts, I suppose they are. HOWEVER, I must say that in defense, my posts are now a lot less blabby {if that is a word anymore}.
Alas, I have looked back {and it sorrows me to say I even typed that}. Oh, well. :D
You know how sometimes I keep losing track of time and suddenly I think "WAIT WHAT I THOUGHT IT WAS STILL OCTOBER!" Because it's almost May. O_o I suppose that looking back at whatever stupid little thing that happened before comforts me for the fact the aliens did indeed not steal all my time. I just happened to have wasted it. :)
I was supposed to get ice cream today... -__- Stupid lines.

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Current Project - Update #1

Objective: Convert MySpaceLosers (or plain non-MySpaceLosers) to become fellow blog buddies by teaching them the true meaning of the weblog, as well as learn the habit of consistency (by posting at least every other day).

  • Converts so far: 13
  • Converts who seem to be keeping up the posting (AT LEAST every other day): 1-1.5 who are serious about it? MAYBE EVEN LESS.
  • Converts who seem to have given up posting: 5-6??!

My, my, what horrible news.

Did you know 'blog' was short for 'weblog'? Hm. I just found that out a while ago.

Friday, April 25, 2008

Since You Just Absolutely Suck at Reading Comprehension...

I'm starting to realize that you probably don't know anything about me at this point {since nobody really read the whole thing. Did you know it's about 130 posts now? O_o}. So, I'm willing to update on my list of "passions". {Aye, I know how cheesy that word is.} But you know before this, I HAD NO IDEA WE COULD USE BULLETS! WHOO! Let the fun begin.

My List Of Passions:

  • bullets! {well, only occasionally.}
  • strawberries dipped in chocolate
  • stop-motion films {associated with Tim Burton and Danny Elfman} :D
  • Nutell with a knife
  • blowing bubbles {large and small}
  • having multiple blogs {and frantically trying to manage them} :]
  • close-up photography of whatever junk is in front of my door

There you go. I swear, that WHOLE list is going to change in about 5 seconds.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Current Project

Objective: {Take over the world. Kidding...} Convert MySpaceLosers (or plain non-MySpaceLosers) to become fellow blog buddies by teaching them the true meaning of the weblog, as well as learn the habit of consistency (by posting at least every other day). Converts so far: 13 Converts who seem to be keeping up the posting (AT LEAST every other day): 4-5 Converts who seem to have given up posting: 4-5? I have to say, this wasn't too successful. Oh well. :]
Of course, this is not a school related project. Duh. Our teachers wouldn't be cool enough to tell us to do these things. *sigh...*

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Hungry... Again.

I'm having a little snack right now before I do my homework. Wanna see what it is? Of course you do. Here's this one chocolate my dad got me the other today: Isn't it just wonderful? Another mug shot: And, of course, and also eating my seaweed {no duh}. Salt and sugar is always the perfect mix. :) Also, I kind of took these pictures myself {yes I know, they're absolutely horrible}. But anyway... DON'T TAKE CREDIT FOR IT! Thank you. :D

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

I Can Only Contain My Excitement

As I was on the computer {like I always am}, my dad came and dropped off this package of seaweed. If I recall correctly, I had told you about the whole "diet of seaweed" thing, right? So, these were the "seasoned" ones, as in more flavorful than salt. One taste of this baby and I knew it wasn't exactly fresh. Have you ever tasted old, seasoned seaweed? Especially ones that used to taste a little spicy when it was fresh? Well this package happened to be a fossil. It tasted like 20 hot chili peppers. Why thank you, Dad. It was an interesting experience. O_o

Monday, April 21, 2008


I am officially incorporating seaweed into my diet. My mom bought this huge package yesterday and I'll probably be spending the rest of my life finishing it. Oh well. It's not like it tastes bad or anything. It goes quite great with milk {no, I'm kidding}. Anyway, it'll be quite interesting to repeat that for breakfast… Oh wait I did that today. :] So, now I know what I'm going to eat so I will have to spend 50 hours planning my next meal. Yay. O_o If anyone else eating seaweed? It's actually very healthy for you. But sometimes the salt gets to me. Blech. Ugh this thing is so annoying sometimes. I can't belive I got through even half of the post with just my voice. WHY DOES IT TAKE FIVE MINUTES TO SAY "NEW PARAGRAPH"?! I need to eat more seaweed…

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Have You Brushed Your Teeth Recently?

I had a dentist's appointment this morning. I ended up going there about 50 minutes too early. It smelled horrible, as usual. I've always wondered about the equipment that the dentists uses. Do they really clean it as often as they should? Is it after every patient, or after several patients? Ugh, it sounds kind of gross if they only do it once a day. Think of all the other people that have those equipment in their mouth... Also, the dentists also use gloves, right? So how often to the change those? Are our mouths clean? They had one of those high tech toothbrush commercials on display somewhere and this rebate that goes along with. Oh, they look so nice. I want one. This speech recognition thing is a bit easier to use now. I think it's getting used to my voice, which is good.

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Speech Recognition

Right now I am using speech recognition and it really works well on Internet explorer. Otherwise, it kind of sucks. For example, when I tried to use it on Safari it didn't work at spell I suppose you could say that is faster except the computer makes a lot of mistakes. You really have to know what you are talking about, which I don't. Ah, it just took me 5 minutes to spell "about". And now it is taking me 10 minutes to write this entire post. Oh, joy. I am so tired. I think I will stop now.
Ah, seriously, that took FOREVER. O_o
I'm still getting used to the whole "microphone" thing, and this thing is like totally a stranger to me. Gotta do more of that training thing...
Well it kind of sucks that I can't use Safari with it. My IE always lags...

Thursday, April 17, 2008


I'm {not} having fun re-organizing my files.
It is so {not} interesting.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Art of Restart

So remember there was this one time when I was talking about how horrible restarting was..?
No, of course not.
Well anyway, yesterday, I was working on my project (it's this model thing that's supposed to be 3-D). And, when I finished, it was HORRIBLE. It really wasn't too great, and I really wasn't too happy. 2 seconds later, BAM I'm starting on a new one. I finished it in about... oh... 3-4 hours.
Did I mention this was the day before the project was due? O_o
So, my point is, I meant to correct my earlier statement (since I'm not going to bother going through the trouble of going back to the post and editing it... ugh). No, restarting is not ALWAYS a bad thing, only when you do it without a full purpose. Wait, what does that mean?

Friday, April 11, 2008

{insert title here}

Well, it's Friday. And all I have to say is:
I'm sure you can just guess the rest of it.

Sunday, April 6, 2008


Atleastpartofit w o r k s.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Um. Wow. So, THIS Is Entertainment

Haha, I'm watching TELEVISION RIGHT NOW.
Goodness, laptops are so convenient. :)
Um well, in the past 5 seconds, somebody lifted a fridge, sang into a ventilation tube-thingy, broke a hole through a wall, and then screamed at a roly poly. WOW. ISN'T THIS FUN.
Nah, I'm joking. They aren't that bad.....
Okay, there's a drama moment.
You know, I bet people have a LOT more fun making these things than having the people watch them. Seriously. Wouldn't YOU have fun making a TV-something?
Bah, I have all these stupid projects to work on. Involving paper.
Isn't THAT a surprise?

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Yes...? No...? YES!

As you know, I obviously have rambled quite a lot about my recent podcast-downloading streak... I think it was about 50 days worth of podcasts? Anyway, I think I kind of forgot to talk about the fact that I deleted all of that stuff. So, now I'm kind of missing it. Funny, eh?
I decided that yes, I am going to continued downloading them... all over again of course. HOWEVER, I will warn myself that I should only download if I am going to listen to them, and to not cram all the memory on my computer. My computer already hates me. :(
Bah, it's hard to blog when you realize you have ALL this other stuff to take care of... I mean it was much easier when blogging was a result of neglecting of other things.
I'm kidding. Obviously I do take joy in this.
And obviously, obviously is the word of the day/week/whatever it is.
Um... I think the guy on the podcast is talking *Shudder*

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Talking to Myself #2

Hm, I haven't done one of these in a long time. I can't keep track of those collection things anymore {the ones with numbers attached to them}. I suppose it's just one way of organizing and avoiding having to think up of other titles. :]
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... it's April. Whoop-de-doo.
Have you ever seen a Kraft Magazine before? I have to say, they have really nice pictures of food. So pretty... {drool*} You wanna go find the photographer's name for me?