Wednesday, April 30, 2008

I Don't Think She Noticed

A couple days ago my mom was criticizing me about how my blog posts are too long + blabby. Well, if you looked at the first few couple of posts, I suppose they are. HOWEVER, I must say that in defense, my posts are now a lot less blabby {if that is a word anymore}.
Alas, I have looked back {and it sorrows me to say I even typed that}. Oh, well. :D
You know how sometimes I keep losing track of time and suddenly I think "WAIT WHAT I THOUGHT IT WAS STILL OCTOBER!" Because it's almost May. O_o I suppose that looking back at whatever stupid little thing that happened before comforts me for the fact the aliens did indeed not steal all my time. I just happened to have wasted it. :)
I was supposed to get ice cream today... -__- Stupid lines.

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