Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Art of Restart

So remember there was this one time when I was talking about how horrible restarting was..?
No, of course not.
Well anyway, yesterday, I was working on my project (it's this model thing that's supposed to be 3-D). And, when I finished, it was HORRIBLE. It really wasn't too great, and I really wasn't too happy. 2 seconds later, BAM I'm starting on a new one. I finished it in about... oh... 3-4 hours.
Did I mention this was the day before the project was due? O_o
So, my point is, I meant to correct my earlier statement (since I'm not going to bother going through the trouble of going back to the post and editing it... ugh). No, restarting is not ALWAYS a bad thing, only when you do it without a full purpose. Wait, what does that mean?

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