Thursday, April 3, 2008

Yes...? No...? YES!

As you know, I obviously have rambled quite a lot about my recent podcast-downloading streak... I think it was about 50 days worth of podcasts? Anyway, I think I kind of forgot to talk about the fact that I deleted all of that stuff. So, now I'm kind of missing it. Funny, eh?
I decided that yes, I am going to continued downloading them... all over again of course. HOWEVER, I will warn myself that I should only download if I am going to listen to them, and to not cram all the memory on my computer. My computer already hates me. :(
Bah, it's hard to blog when you realize you have ALL this other stuff to take care of... I mean it was much easier when blogging was a result of neglecting of other things.
I'm kidding. Obviously I do take joy in this.
And obviously, obviously is the word of the day/week/whatever it is.
Um... I think the guy on the podcast is talking *Shudder*

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