Saturday, May 31, 2008

Eggs for Fish

I out went to eat lunch today. It was a horrible restaurant. There were a bunch of bums sitting outside smoking, which is typically irresponsible of them. Hmp.
No appetite. So I shopped for outfits and pulled out some weeds instead. {Animal Crossing, of course.}
Guess what I ate today?
Fishy eggs. I had some fishy eggs.
But they weren't eggs of fish. They just happened to taste like fish.
They were smaller than normal, so I don't think they were chicken eggs.
Do you know of any small eggs that taste like fish?
Well if it's irregular for eggs to taste like fish {and I know it is}, I then am allowed to blame the restaurant for the fishy eggs.
HA! I shall hold this fact against you forever, you stupid restaurant.

Friday, May 30, 2008

Posture for the Mighty

AHHHH. I'm depressed. Why am I depressed? Because I haven't posted in the longest time. Who knows how much longer I'll last... I was checking the TV schedule the other day, and I've found out that Chowder is on on Fridays! WOHOO! Fosters as well. I now establish Friday as Television Day {I know how retarded that sounds.} I've got a new name + URL update {haven't done that in forever, huh?} I'm watching this movie right now... Just cut in during the middle, and I have to say, I have absolutely NO idea who the protagonists/antagonists are. I mean, the main characters look evil. But then I have no idea what the plot is, so I guess I say much. The mouse is cute though... I've recently played some of my Wii, and it is FUN. The tennis.. oh the tennis. I also got the creepy rabbit game, and its kind of disturbing... especially the milking pigs part. Dancing is always fun though. :) My room is getting messy again. Ugh. Good posture is difficult when you have to use an extension cable. What would YOU do with $25 million? I'd purchase a loft. :D

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Talking to Myself #6

My mother is disturbed by television. There goes the dirty kitties.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Talking to Myself #5

Have you ever watched TV advertising? The ones that make these really cool offers with a bunch of things in it. They say "AND we'll send you 50 of these and several more of those along with your order..." Those evil advertising people. ARRRGH.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

My Pitiful {Poetic?} Nonsense #6

Dinner is ready
Those cartoons never get old
The race is on now

Monday, May 26, 2008

My Pitiful {Poetic?} Nonsense #5

Ode To Be

The cat’s cave

Waterfall, kerplunk, kerplunk

West of the lake

South of the forest

One man’s journey to search for an answer.

He needed the pen

To save that hook

Dangling off that wall

The puzzling question

As long as a mile

A spaceship full of curiosity

Too complex for the grown adult

If drawings could suffice

The puzzle could be unlocked

With his key

The shape of a star

Makings of a response

A response waiting to finish it’s work

Carefully crafted by the decomposers

Broken down




Plop goes the facts

Splat goes the adjectives

The downfall of the man with errors

Only terminal,

Only terminal.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Talking to Myself #4

I'm running out of chocolate.
Did you know I was running out of chocolate?
This is a dire emergency.
You need to get me more chocolate.

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Looking for the Doctor...

My computer is having major issues.
Can anyone tell me about recovery hard-disks? Because mine is all full of useless junk that got backed-up when it didn't need to and now I need to get rid of it. It's making my computer crash every few minutes.
Now I'm just clicking random stuff. What in the world is a "defragmenter"?!
I demand to have my computer fixed.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I'm utterly falling behind... so I shall now consume more time to make a list to explain to you all the things I have to complain about falling behind of:
  • birthdays coming up soon. presents? behind on that.
  • homework. projects. assignments are so dearly long. don't need to say anything else.
  • my room. I JUST CLEANED IT A WHILE AGO! stupid piles of things.
  • SLEEP. the stupid plan backfired on me. apparently coffee doesn't go away from my system for even 11 hours. stupid coffee.
  • grammar. why am i not following proper grammar? why am i writing these horrible run-on sentences?
  • POSTING. blech.

Guess what? I found a trivia buddy. *GASP*! And I thought I'd never find anyone who knew how many moons Jupiter had.

Anyway, gotta get back to that long list of stuff of which I am getting behind on...

Sunday, May 18, 2008


A brand new start {blah, I don't care if it's late at night}. Anyway, I gots a clean room today, I think it was kind of supposed to be that way last week.. heh heh. I did indeed receive some help from my mom. Thanks. No better way to say it than on the Internet. :)
MISSION "GET SERIOUS" STARTING NOW. Early sleep. I've been talking about if for a while. Hah.
Flute lesson went okay today. Still need to practice more. {I kind of noticed that 4/7 days isn't really that great...}
There's this bird noisily chirping outside right now. {above picture is not the real one. but it's still purty.} Dad reports that her children have been missing. One of our neighors found them, and put them in a box. One of them got ran over by a car {tsk, tsk}, and the other walked away on its own... SO NOW the mother is certainly very worried and has been chirping for a while... even though it's 9 at night. Hopefully the other one didn't get ran over?
I need to get ready for summer. Got big plans this year...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Oh no...

I'm melting.
I'm melting and half the people I know have been whisked away to some far-away place.
Oh, joy.

Friday, May 16, 2008

The Legacy of the List #3

I like recreation. It's quite calming, actually. Although, there are many different aspects of recreation. Ones I like would be:
  • cooking/eating with family
  • helping to pack for people leaving on long trips
  • reading
  • watching movies
  • eating a late night snack
  • playing video games
  • playing sports
  • talking/conversing with others

Aye, I do know that I haven't posted for a while... shame on me. >:O

Hooray for lists...

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Holes in the Roof

I was at the bookstore the other day, comics and encyclopedias, things like that. I decided to take a drink of water, and when I did I saw these holes in the ceiling. They happened to be electrical outlets. {Like the ones below. The faces are so cute.} Maybe they made a mistake when the built it. Or just because those book people are kooky. Is there an appliance that needs to be hanging from an outlet from the ceiling?
Have YOU seen electrical outlets in the ceiling?
Then when I came home, I saw this large hole from my ceiling. Turns out it was a leak.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Happy Birthday Dad

As the title implies, today is my dad's birthday. {Don't ask him for his age. He'll get mad at you.} Kidding, kidding... If only we had some helium balloons. The things you could do with them... I hope the China earthquake people are okay.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Happy Mothers' Day

I've always been wondering, does the apostrophe go after or before the "s"?
Probably after.
Happy Mothers' Day.
Go luck with advertising, you stupid restaurant people.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Clean-up Day.

Oh wow, I'm up early today.
But the only reason I woke up early, was that my first sight of my room made me want to go back so sleep.
Without further ado, I guess I'll dedicate {most of} my day to cleaning the pigsty...
Aye, wish me luck. O_o

Friday, May 9, 2008

The End of the Week

It is... now the end of the week, because I so declare it. Aye. As you must be aware of, this looks like rather rubbish. I happen to be in the process of mockery of a fellow blogger who also happened to use this font {and the mockery to be taken lightly, of course}. Isn't this font just wonderful? Of course it is. AND therefore by using this font, I will allow myself to type utter nonsense {just because it is so fun}. Hold on... UNLESS there are actually those of you who are intellegent enought to change the font back to normal... But rest assure I think nobody really does read this. Heehee. :) Reasons why that object in that room looks like it is an object in another room not so far away but not exactly dupicated:
  1. Objects tend to lose appetite when they are exposed to high frequencies of noise from telephones.
  • The Middle Passage involved crossing the Atlantic Ocean.
  1. Textiles were created in factories.
  • The number 4 is equal to 2 squared, or 2 + 2, or 5-1, or 16 times 2 divided by 4 then plus 5 minus 9.
  1. It is a fact that certain objects are given names as to properly identify the object.

I rather like this font, indeed. :)

Thursday, May 8, 2008

I'm a Hobo Now.

Can you believe I ABSOLUTELY COULD NOT GET HOME TODAY? Aye, bliddy horrible. Apparently I forgot something called "keys", so now I'm stuck at some stranger's house. {They have wonderful food, by the way. And quite a good Internet connection as well. I think I'm fine.}
ANYWHOO, even though I'm in such rough conditions, I still have loyalty to my blog {I just love being dedicated. *sniff*}. Hm. Being a hobo sure makes me emotional.
{I'm kind of getting tired of listing the names... yah.}
Do you have any idea how horrible this keyboard is? Yuck. The spacebar is like glued to the bottom or something. It's going to take me forever to finish this...
Oh hey look, I'm done.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Talking to Myself #3

You know, these titles sure do come in handy when I have no other titles to give.

I love that my pictures are always irrelevant. {yummy..}

CAN YOU BELIEVE THAT I ACTUALLY HAVE A FAITHFUL BLOG BUDDY NOW? No more memories of threats, frustration, or dissapointment... So delighted of the success. I give kudos to Guava {yes she's named after a fruit}. She actually likes blogging to. Yay. :) As for the OTHERS that have failed, I shall say nowt.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

The Legacy of the List #4

Wheeee... It's list time again. Today I will feature: A List of Annoying Habits of my dad. {I'm sure he'll take it lightly.}
  • his compulsive ways of always pressing the "skip" button when listening to music. a song never gets finished.
  • the other button he is always compulsively pushing when watching TV would be the "guide" button. never do I get a break of looking at that stupid blue screen when he's got the remote.
  • always leaving the phone away from his ear when dialing. {apparently it's got something to do with radiation.} it takes 2 minutes for him EACH TIME to realize that I've already picked up and was waiting for him to answer since he called in the first place. do I need to keep a tally of these occurrences?
  • always being erroneous when calculating time intervals.
  • stashing tissues in his pockets. he rarely remembers to take them out.
  • talking in half-sentences.

The last two are rather mild, actually.

Well since it would be unfair if I didn't make one for my mom and myself, I shall do that in the near future.


Ha, it's be funny if you {Dad or Mom} found this several years later, {since you don't read it regularly}. That's what you get for not reading when I ask. :P

Monday, May 5, 2008

Testing Out My New Victim

I just got my headset. :) still trying to get used to it. It's so pretty... shiny too. :D
Yeah I do need to talk a bit louder. If only I didn't sound so crazy. :O

{image by waynel}

Sunday, May 4, 2008

A Day in Events #9


{image by hansiqurumi}

  • Oh, boyohboyohboy, I got 3-D glasses today {remember how I wanted them for that one game}. And.... they suck. Again. {*sigh...*} You think I'll ever stop being dissapointed of 3-D glasses?
  • I saw a bunch of houses today. DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA HOW HUGE THEY WERE? DO YOU? Well of course you don't. They were gigantic times three {<-- yah, I know how to do math}.
  • I'm getting a headset today! {I think. Hopefully.}
  • Drinking mango juice. It doesn't taste too great. Maybe I just had too much Cheerios today.
  • Uh... trying to evade that huge project I just got and need to work on... Why did I have to choose such a stupid topic {DON'T ANSWER THAT.}?
  • By the way, I did absolutely horrible yesterday. {thank god you weren't there.} I got sooooooo many wrong notes and screwed up all my high ones... aha-aha... O_o

You know, these really aren't events. It's the curse of the horrible titles again.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Curse You, Library

I have to say, my titles still suck. {Wouldn't you agree?}
Well anyway, guess what I'M doing today?
That's right. Going to the library. Except it has nothing to do with books.
Who knew that the library had an auditorium? {Not Sophie, of course.}
*picture by "phlewght" {yah, flickr again}
Yes, yes... I happen to have to play there... apparrently it's called a "recital". Hm.
Let me repeat myself: I DON'T WANNA GO!!!!!
Anything to keep me from there... ANYTHING. Maybe there could be a huge roadblock and there would be no possible way to get there. Hey, that sounds nice.
Are you going? Of course not. You don't even know where it is. {It could be in Singapore.}
I got a refill on Toblerone yesterday. So maybe I won't starve to death. Hm.

Friday, May 2, 2008

I Need to Think of Better Titles

Heed the title, for I do indeed need to think of better ones. I mean, seriously {as if making the word italic makes it any more serious...}. Read back {I hope you don't} and you shall truly see how horrendous my titles were. Shame on you, past self.
For the time being, I think I'll just stick with something like the one I have on top there.
I'm into flickr pictures now {thanks to the deceased Jennifish.. nah I'm kidding she's still here and haunting people}. Above is one by... jam343 {I think}. Blech, I hate it when people don't give credit for stuff. DON'T TAKE THAT PICTURE UNLESS YOU'RE GOING TO GIVE THEM CREDIT! Well actually it's kind of optional... but its still better when you do acknowledge their stuff.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

I Shall Avenge You, You Evil Shovel

Yay, scheduled posting {I thought they'd never have it here}. Did you know that WordPress had it too? Hm. Interesting.
I had strawberries + Nutella for an afternoon snack today. Forget fondue stuff. :)
Did YOU know that I am utterly failing in my plan to post everyday? I didn't know. Apparently I'm not doing so well {probably having around 40-50 holes}. Need to fill 'em up. Dang it.
POTATO - TOMATO - POTAAATOE - TOMAAATOE :D Which is the way to say it properly?