Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I'm utterly falling behind... so I shall now consume more time to make a list to explain to you all the things I have to complain about falling behind of:
  • birthdays coming up soon. presents? behind on that.
  • homework. projects. assignments are so dearly long. don't need to say anything else.
  • my room. I JUST CLEANED IT A WHILE AGO! stupid piles of things.
  • SLEEP. the stupid plan backfired on me. apparently coffee doesn't go away from my system for even 11 hours. stupid coffee.
  • grammar. why am i not following proper grammar? why am i writing these horrible run-on sentences?
  • POSTING. blech.

Guess what? I found a trivia buddy. *GASP*! And I thought I'd never find anyone who knew how many moons Jupiter had.

Anyway, gotta get back to that long list of stuff of which I am getting behind on...

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