Sunday, May 18, 2008


A brand new start {blah, I don't care if it's late at night}. Anyway, I gots a clean room today, I think it was kind of supposed to be that way last week.. heh heh. I did indeed receive some help from my mom. Thanks. No better way to say it than on the Internet. :)
MISSION "GET SERIOUS" STARTING NOW. Early sleep. I've been talking about if for a while. Hah.
Flute lesson went okay today. Still need to practice more. {I kind of noticed that 4/7 days isn't really that great...}
There's this bird noisily chirping outside right now. {above picture is not the real one. but it's still purty.} Dad reports that her children have been missing. One of our neighors found them, and put them in a box. One of them got ran over by a car {tsk, tsk}, and the other walked away on its own... SO NOW the mother is certainly very worried and has been chirping for a while... even though it's 9 at night. Hopefully the other one didn't get ran over?
I need to get ready for summer. Got big plans this year...

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