Friday, May 2, 2008

I Need to Think of Better Titles

Heed the title, for I do indeed need to think of better ones. I mean, seriously {as if making the word italic makes it any more serious...}. Read back {I hope you don't} and you shall truly see how horrendous my titles were. Shame on you, past self.
For the time being, I think I'll just stick with something like the one I have on top there.
I'm into flickr pictures now {thanks to the deceased Jennifish.. nah I'm kidding she's still here and haunting people}. Above is one by... jam343 {I think}. Blech, I hate it when people don't give credit for stuff. DON'T TAKE THAT PICTURE UNLESS YOU'RE GOING TO GIVE THEM CREDIT! Well actually it's kind of optional... but its still better when you do acknowledge their stuff.

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