Thursday, January 31, 2008

An Excerpt to Brighten Your Day

"Seeing that he was employing familiar maneurvers to extricate himself from unpleasant conversation, she slipped her arm through his and said: 'I was waiting for you. I didn't know you would be so late. I just wondered if you had bought Dilcey.'"

Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Define It

rhesus - n. small, brownish monkey of India

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

An Excerpt to Brighten Your Day

"There was talk that addiontal tax cuts would revitalize economic growth. But in the Fed's analysis, the lingering lethargy reflected anxiety and uncertainty about war, not a need for more stimulus."

Monday, January 28, 2008

Random Trivia #2

Another trivia by Ralph and I to add to our miniscule collection of trivias... This time I'm going to try Fill in the Blank. {as stated before, the spacing on this template is SOOO retarded so I'm not even going to try all those lines that need to be double spaced...}
1. The octopus has _______ tentacles on its body.
2. A polygon must have at least ________ sides to its shape.
3. The construction of the Transcontinental Railroad mostly consisted of _________ immigrant workers who were treated very poorly for their strange behavior.
4. The squid has ________ tentacles on its body.
5. A specific type of __________'s liver is a poisonous type of food that is widely popular in Japan, and expensive as well.
6. A normal human body has _________ phalanges.
7. The ________ of music involve the increase and decrease of _________.
8. The ________ of a book is what holds the book together.
9. Hand-written books of the past are called _________.
10. Bread is a part of the _________ food group.
The Rubric:
If you answered:
1-3 correct - you have NO idea what you are talking about.
4-6 correct - seem hirable. Do you work fulltime?
7-9 correct - dude! I don't like you.

Sunday, January 27, 2008

Challenge of the Day/Week/Month/Year? #4

Yet another challenge from our fellow Ralph and I.
This one goes to all you TV watchers.
Here goes:
Can you go one entire day, without watching television?
{Movies don't count if they're in theatres.}
One day = 24 hours, nonstop.
Less time with the TV on means more save energy.
Go green! {and keep your eyes safe} :)

Saturday, January 26, 2008


{Sigh..*} I was feeling slightly bad in the morning, since the night prior the stupid Monopoly game with my friends was so darn fun, which resulted in a late night. {Ralph went to bed early, he doesn't like staying up on Fridays for some reason.} They stayed kind of late, and I totally forgot to do the project thingy and all the other stuff I wrote down yesterday. Actually, I just felt like relaxing because of this project for a competition... It turns out that it's due a MONTH earlier than it was, and I was told last minute that I had minus ONE MONTH of time. This resulted in my rush of work, and I had to push aside everything. It was due Friday {yesterday} and I turned it in. I was in a very good mood after that, so I invited over some people, we watched some movies {good and bad} and played Monopoly which was very VERY fun {it ends from there}. Then, I realize I had finished none of my homework for my extracurricular classes, and I had to cancel. Therefore, I would like to make an international world wide web apology. {Yes I know, very official.} On behalf of my irresponsible behavior, I would like to apologize to my friends {who stayed up very late with me and possibly got in trouble}, my parents {for staying up so late and not really keeping track of the things I was supposed to do}, and my writing tutor {for having to cancel last minutes because I didn't really have time to focus on the homework since I was spending so much time to finish the big project for the competition}. Phew. That's over.

Friday, January 25, 2008

To Do List #1

As of now I am playing Animal Crossing {puh-shaw, homework isn't as important as that :P}. Well, as you all know, it's like FRIDAY! which might as well be renamed as "Animal Crossing Day" or "Movie Night." The latter applies more to me. Anyways.... I often find it hard to concentrate and to remember what to do everyday {Ralph has a bad memory too}, so I might as well make a To Do List. Of course, writing it down on paper is like SOO RHETRO, {haha} but it always gets lost somewhere with my other piles of paper on my desk... plus I don't like writing with pencil too much, and wite-out is really obnoxious. I'd then have to go through SOOO much time just to find a piece of paper. I suppose I could do it on a Word Document or something... but this is much more funner. :)

Friday 1/25/08 To-Do List

Animal Crossing:

pick fruit {coconuts, oranges, peaches, cherries, apples, pears}

go shopping for furniture {Nook + Able}

pull out all weeds

water flowers

talk to neighbors


tree project

study vocabulary



revise another essay

practice music

Er... that list looks awfully long.. WHATEVER SHALL I DO?!


So just now, I found this cool carpet in Nook's 2nd floor, it's called "illusion floor." I accidentally bought it by accident... heh heh... My closets are like SO FULL I probably don't have anywhere to put it. Hmph.

There was this other cool item in the clothing shop, called a "grandpa hat." It's really cute/stylish/whateveryoucallit, and I do count of buying it later.

I NEED TO PAY OFF LIKE all MY MORTGAGE! I want a second floor sooo badly you must have no idea. Ugh. Stupid Nook. Let's boycott him. ARE YOU WITH ME?

Lots of coconut trees are successful... YES! More fruit =more bells. MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Ah. There's something that I finally do have. I wore them today, kept me mighty warm.. Random people kept stealing them from me though, AHEM! O_o They kept calling them "gloves," I really have no idea why. What's the difference between mittens and gloves? I like mittens better. :)
Ugh, the wind was like SUPER DUUPER strong today, and I thought it was going to rain hard again, but it didn't. Instead, I flew like 1 inch off the ground. Or at least, I would have if it weren't for all that heavy stuff I was carrying...
It's really just going to come out right now - this template that I'm using, the really really cool one, has like the worst SPACING. I mean, you have nooooo idea how many hours I've spent trying to double space... ugh. MESSAGE TO THE CREATOR OF THIS TEMPLATE: PLEASE, PLEASE, FOR MY BLOGGING SAKE, FIX THE THINGY ON THIS SPACING! All of the other ones are fine, but NO, this one is just SO uncooperative.
In math today we had a test, and it was hard. Well, sort of, I guess it really depends on the grade I get. Haha, yea... we're all like this. :) My ruler was being a compass and decided to not cooperate either. I need to remind myself to get a new one, the ink is wearing off on mine... heh heh heh...
Pizza for lunch today, mine was SOOOOOO small I swear the lunchlady thinks I need to eat less. The crust was... fairly bland. Didn't get any large bubbles this time.. It was still warm when I was eating it though, even against the cold weather. Oh deary, it's so fun talking in detail about a piece of pizza. Isn't this fun?
Thankfully, today I did not require any boots, because for some amazing reason the ground had absorbed all that water. The boot gods must have read my blog post from yesterday. However, I did see a custodian wearing a pair, they looked so pretty...
As a result of my non-logical deductive reasoning, I have concluded the need for a shopping list.
1. pair of water-proof boots, preferably a dark color
2. ruler, less than 1 feet in length, preferably yellow and transparent
3. a box of pizza
4. windbreaker/one of those really large jackets, like a trenchcoat
I suddenly feel so efficient at completing things...
Anyone want to go shopping for me? Ralph and I are too busy playing Monopoly, and he's in the lead! Who knew bread could be so lucky? Hm....

Wednesday, January 23, 2008


Boots. To tell you the truth, I've never owned a pair of boots before. But I really wish I did. Ah, I could just imagine the possibilities...

And by boots, I mean the plastic, rain boots, not one of those fuzzy ones that they dirty really fast. The squeaky ones. That actually don't let water in. And keep you dry. And warm.

So after some dreaming about the boots, let me get to my point.

I am not crazy for even thinking of coming back to this deserted blog.

I am not lunatic either for thinking that I'm supposed to post everyday.

You should totally not care that I'm apologizing to my non-existent readers.

I feel retarded right now.

{MMMMMMNNNN...this chocolate is good...}

So, I guess I'm changing my mind about the whole "MUST POST EVERDAY!" strict rule thing. I have to say, it did make me sound quite demented. Stupid phone rings so much... Keyboard is obnoxious... Too many projects... Endless complaints!... Therefore continuing... Weather too cold... Ice cream unavailable... Homework makes no sense... Teachers in bad moods... Socks are itchy... Computer slow... Not enough sleep... Too many demands from too many people... EMPTY AND DESERTED BLOG!... Lack of food to eat in the afternoons... Ralph probably hates me by now...


I really am going to go insane now.

~My Temporary Will~

Sophie - You get my DS. And 1/2 of the games. Plus all my books. But because of that you also have to pretend that I'm sick at home and do all my homework. And go to my classes for me and contact me while I'm in LaLaLand. :)

Guada - AHAHAHAHAHAHA! Guada gets a truckload of butter when she opens my fridge. :)

Jennifish - You get the rest of my DS games, and then my charcoal pencils. In addition to those shoes, and that jacket. And then you do all my projects. :)

Camille - I'm broke! Uh... you get... my DVDs! And whatever other stuff is left... :)

My Parents - Oh, you wouldn't be reading this anyway.

Other People - Sorry guys, your names are either to private, or you're really not that important. Probably the latter. :D

Ah... now I know I can finally rest in peace after all that insanity.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Law of Attachment

I remember the times when in science class we'd learn little bits of astronomy (of course the whole thing is too big to learn, it's even more complex than Ralph), and there would always be a section of gravity, and how it took its part in forming our universe. Well, in this case, the gravity would be referred to as a physical act of motion, since it is literally attracting things to things. Well, what if this gravity also acted in a figurative sense? I've always wondered about some people who have had abnormal attachments to things (or even people). But by this, I mean like in a serious sense, they wouldn't want to live without it. Take smokers, for instance. They automatically think that they need to have a smoke once in a while, right? Well what would happen if the entire world decided to stop producing any forms of tobacco (let's just imagine...even though it's not very likely)? What if they could never and would never get a hold of any tobacco for the rest of their lives? Doesn't that make their existence entirely pathetic, to think that they wouldn't be able to live without something? It could be more than just what they are reliant or attached to, it could be their mindset too. (although I still agree that people who are addicted to cigaretts/cigars/any form of tobacco really need to do something else with their life) Let's say someone became attached to their computer, in a really unhealthy way. Let's say they lived off of it. They are on it practically 24/7 and the power is always on. They are constantly surfing the net and clicking things and playing online games and downloading/buying computer software and doing all sorts of things with their computer, ect. What would happen if there was a power shortage for maybe several days, or if computers were out of production and no longer existed (as in there was some new product much more compact and not computer-like at all), or maybe if the person just couldn't afford to buy a new one because their old one broke, or they couldn't have any access to a computer at all? What kind of withdrawl symptoms might a computer addict face? {Ugh, I get so blabbly at night sometimes.} Do they eventually get over it? Do they stat isolated, doing nothing all day? Do they regret the fact that they won't have whatever it is that they want? Do they try hard to adjust to new things? {This could probably go on forever...} Then what about the people who become attached to people? But in extreme cases, where they get so sad of losing a family member/friend that they spend their whole life regretting not being able to spend more time with them? How does someone like that manage to make new friends, or adjust to their new surrounding with 1 or more less person/people? Does this mean that it's not safe to get attached in the first place, because you know that someday you will lose the thing/person? Does this mean that you're just thinking too much and wasting time not being able to spend time with the thing/person that you really appreciate? Or could it be that you're supposed to be somewhere in the middle, somewhere when you appreciate/respect/spend time with but not cling onto for dear life? Is the middle always the best? When you're satisfied but not really content all the way? Should it be varied, like sometimes in the middle, or sometimes high up above? Can you really control at what point you would be content with something/someone? Will I continue to type questions throughout the rest of my life? Am I getting attached to typing questions? AAHHHH?!

Monday, January 21, 2008

My Pitiful {Poetic?} Nonsense #4

The summer heat blows at us Nonstop I feel the wind against my face Choking me Exasperated Staring out into nothing Passing like the air

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Recently Read Books #1

This one day I was reading a book called White Magic, and I was totally offended by it. {Ralph agrees with me.} It's about these girls who form a witch coven, and things happen between the friends. The coven is not exactly Wicca, but it's good magic. Well, in the story when someone joins the coven they gave rules to follow if one wished to be in the coven. One of them was: no blogging. When I read that, I was like GASP!!! with the extra exclamation marks. I was absolutely horrified/insulted. The reason for the rule was that blogging "gives away a part of you" or something like that. Then I wondered: do I give away myself on my blog? Weird thing to blog about, huh? Well, since I'm so confident that no one's reading this anyway, I'll just keep blabbing. Personally, I think I'm blogging about nothing. At least, nothing of significance. I just want to look back at this some day, when I'm all old and stuff, and see what kinds of things I thought about when I was young. Kind of like an electronic journal. But cooler than that 'cause it's Google and it's on the internet. {Unless, for some stupid reason, Blogger's system crashes and all of this is gone forever. But I don't like to think about that.} Paper is so temporary, changes are hard to make, waste of ink if you want to print pictures and all. I've thought about like a personal journal, but that's no fun because you're just writing stuff that only you are going to read because it's so personal or something. Knowing that you are going to share it makes you feel like you want to put something interesting, right? {Sorry for being rediculous, I just watched some documentary on philosophy or something, it's messing with my brain.} Back to the book. It was pretty good, and involved a lot of poetry. The spells were really cool, and some parts of it were kind of funny. The author is Kelly Easton, incase you want to read it sometime. {It's a young-adult book.} Of course, I have nothing to do with the publishing/selling of this book or anything, and I'm not trying to get you to buy it. I hate salesmen/infomercials. O_o Just go to the library. Duh. :)

Saturday, January 19, 2008

Define It

mutilate - v. cut off or damage part of

Friday, January 18, 2008

An Excerpt to Brighten Your Day

"Its beginning is usually dated to the advent of the steam engine, which was based on the conversion of chemical energy in wood or coal to thermal energy and then to mechanical work - primarily the powering of industrial machinery and steam locomotives."

Thursday, January 17, 2008

Define It

heifer - n. young cow

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

An Excerpt to Brighten Your Day

"We have an emergency,
Amber told their Uncle Eddie B.
who asked like he always asked,
Who broke what this time
Still he promised
to come fix it
It'll be like new, he said,
only not till tomorrow."

Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The Legacy of the List #3

The most horrible ice cream flavors:
  • black walnut {deranged vanilla + walnuts = doom}
  • vanilla and chocolate chip {much much worse than plain vanilla}

I don't do so well with vanilla.

This list will be continually updated {as you can see, it is very short}.

Monday, January 14, 2008

An Excerpt to Brighten Your Day

"Effective operations planning enables production to flow easily throughout the factory, secures an efficient utilization of machines and labour, and facilitates good production scheduling."

Sunday, January 13, 2008

An Excerpt to Brighten Your Day

"Come on up with me and I'll show you my charm bracelet. I have a little silver telephone with a receiver that really comes off the hook."

Saturday, January 12, 2008

The Legacy of the List #2

I tend to wander around a lot while I'm brushing my teeth, so here is a list of the things I have done while brushing my teeth:
  • walk
  • run
  • jump
  • skip
  • crawl
  • talk
  • write
  • type
  • read
  • sit
  • visit the stairs
  • visit restroom 1 {starting point}
  • visit restroom 2
  • visit restroom 3
  • visit kitchen
  • visit closet
  • visit basement
  • stay in restroom 1
  • view computer
  • view notebook
  • view television
  • watch mom brush teeth
  • watch dad brush teeth

I don't concentrate very well...

This list will be continually updated.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Just A Thought

At this point I feel really bad for supermarket employees. They have to shelve items all day long... Especially the shampoo bottles. They're absolutely horrible.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Challenge of the Day/Week/Month/Year? #3

Ralph and I have devised yet another new challenge.
This one goes out to all you bloggers.
Step 1: Create a blog
Step 2: Post on your blog for ONE ENTIRE WEEK! {consequtively, every day}
Are you up to the challenge?
Do you have what it takes to MAKE AN INTERESTING BLOG?
Good luck. :)

Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My Utter Dissapointment...

I was munching on a Belgium seashell chocolate from Trader Joe's one day, when my dad approached the box of chocolates from which I was eating from. He starting examining it with a strange look, then suddenly declared: "Product of Canada." All of a sudden I was like, "HUH??!" You know, who expects "Belgian" chocolate to be from Canada? I looked at the box carefully, and read, "BELGIAN" on the front. Then I turned it to the back, with the nutrition lable, then looked at the fine print on the bottom. "PRODUCT OF CANADA." I was startled, that such a thing could ever exist. Then, automatically defending Trader Joe's, I said, "Well, maybe they're Belgian type chocolates. You wouldn't know if they were something like that... And maybe when they say Canada, they mean that the chocolates were shipped to Canada and that they were really made in Belgium and that they're really actually genuine and that Trader Joe's is just really bad at expressing ideas with grammar..." My logic power went nada, and my dad kind of looked at me weird. But from then on, I have always referred them chocolates as "Canadian chocolates." Ralph and I still think that they're yummy though. CANADIAN CHOCOLATES. WHOO! :) *note: The seashells in the picture are not the exact ones that I ate, it's just for reference.

Tuesday, January 8, 2008


To tell you the truth, I am an extremely compulsive person. By that I mean sometimes things gotta go one way or no way. {It's horrible.} Therefore, from the beginning I had decided I should have at least one post each day (I think that from my previous posts that's quite clear). I was not able to post everyday seeing I am not as persistent as I want to be. Nevertheless, I didn't want to give up completely. So, every once in a while I fill up the holes (this was quite noticeable, like now). I fill up the holes with nonsense! :D BUT, what my future self will not know, is which day the "make-up" post was written. I shall conquer all... muahahahahahaha! Do bunnies like bubbles?

Monday, January 7, 2008


Oh, hey look!
It's January 7th!
How interesting!
Let's have a holiday on January 7th!
To celebrate the uniqueness of this January 7th!
Just because I like to use exclamation marks on January 7th!

Sunday, January 6, 2008

The Legacy of the List #1

Yes, yes, another one of those thingies that repeat and have a little number at the end. I'm so addicted to making them. The titles get cheesier each time... As if you could not tell, these are going to feature lists. They'll probably vary from something I saw while I was out, something someone said, or just plain some word that I like or dislike. I might also categorized them. Today's list:
  • mosquitoes
  • buttons
  • umbrellas
  • wires
  • bowling
  • cubes
  • moon roofs
  • trash cans

{image by +lyn}

Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Pitiful {Poetic?} Nonsense #3

I blink.
She blinks.
He blinks.
They blink.
We all blink.
Blink, and all past is gone.

Friday, January 4, 2008

Challenge of the Day/Week/Month/Year? #2

Muahahaha... Hello my dearies {and Ralph}.

I am feeling quite evil today. Therefore, I propose a challenge for those of you who are up to it...

Here it is:

Spend an entire day without saying/writing/typing the word "like," even if you mean to use "similar." Just replace it with another word if you have to. Can you keep it up for 24 hours?

I myself have already sacraficed this day in order to bring you the challenge {since I have already typed it}. Good luck! :)

Thursday, January 3, 2008


I despise this.

Challenge of the Day/Week/Month/Year? #1

Alas, Ralph and I have come back with a challenge... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! I challenge you... To not eat/drink junkfood for an entire day! By junkfood I mean: chips, candy, any product with excessive amounts of fat, sugar, salt, or MSG (monosodium-glutamate). Are you up to the challenge? Eat healthy, live longer. :)

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Wishful Thinking

It occurs to me {and Ralph} that sometimes, while I'm doing something I've made a mistake and wanted to start ovver. Such times are when I've played a wrong note that had been going perfectly well, I'm doing homework and my writing looks like chicken scratch, I spell a word wrong during an essay, my entire drawing is screwed, I forgot to wash my socks then suddenly remember in the middle of the night, I've accidentally said something mean to a friend, I forgot to return a library book, I forgot to turn in my homework, I've missed an importan phone call, I've thrown away a valuable vegetable in my game, ect. With the things that are relating to games, there's always a reset button {or overwrite file button or something in relation to that}. You can delete your file. You can make a new file. But for the other things, there is no reset button. Because a reset button kind of takes away the point of all the things that happened prior to it. Because a reset button is just part of a game. Somehow, that angers me. Not just that I've made a mistake and regretted about it, but that I've wanted to start over because of the mistake. Maybe it's a mentality thing. I blame the game companies.

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!~

Happy New Year everybody! As of now, it is exactly 2008. {I made the picture myself, exactly why it's so plain and boring.} Yes, yes, I know. What a fast year that was, they should really make rewind buttons sometime...
Anyhoo, recently my mom has been nagging me about New Year's Resolutions. Who invented that anyway?
Polarjelly's New Year Resolutions:
1. {sigh..*} Be more efficient. Yes, I'm like totally jealous of those rediculous efficient people. {Sophie, cough*, Sophie, cough*} WHAT IS YOUR SECRET?!
2. Keep track of the things I have to do. Like homework, practicing my instrument, homework, {blogging everyday}, homework, ect.
3. Eat more healthy food. No more Hot Cheetos for me! Of course, chocolate is actually considered good for your heart...
4. Less time on the computer. I'm afraid to say this, but it's true. I don't use all my time for blogging. I should though, there's like nothing else better to do on here...
5. Uh...go fishing more often? In AC, I mean. Otherwise I'd have to actually get a license. I am so SICK of picking oranges! Ugh.
6. And of course... Blog everyday! {Part of the whole consistency thing.} Yes, I know I'm so dedicated. Unlike some people. {cough*, cough*} :)
There you go, mom. That was easy. Did I cover everything?
{smack self on head*}
Yea, I know I kinda forgot like one of the most important ones.
7. Sleep more. I'm getting bags under my eyes... {Sleep = taller!}
Ralph: "H-A-P-P-Y N-E-W Y-E-A-R E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y !"