Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Happy New Year!~

Happy New Year everybody! As of now, it is exactly 2008. {I made the picture myself, exactly why it's so plain and boring.} Yes, yes, I know. What a fast year that was, they should really make rewind buttons sometime...
Anyhoo, recently my mom has been nagging me about New Year's Resolutions. Who invented that anyway?
Polarjelly's New Year Resolutions:
1. {sigh..*} Be more efficient. Yes, I'm like totally jealous of those rediculous efficient people. {Sophie, cough*, Sophie, cough*} WHAT IS YOUR SECRET?!
2. Keep track of the things I have to do. Like homework, practicing my instrument, homework, {blogging everyday}, homework, ect.
3. Eat more healthy food. No more Hot Cheetos for me! Of course, chocolate is actually considered good for your heart...
4. Less time on the computer. I'm afraid to say this, but it's true. I don't use all my time for blogging. I should though, there's like nothing else better to do on here...
5. Uh...go fishing more often? In AC, I mean. Otherwise I'd have to actually get a license. I am so SICK of picking oranges! Ugh.
6. And of course... Blog everyday! {Part of the whole consistency thing.} Yes, I know I'm so dedicated. Unlike some people. {cough*, cough*} :)
There you go, mom. That was easy. Did I cover everything?
{smack self on head*}
Yea, I know I kinda forgot like one of the most important ones.
7. Sleep more. I'm getting bags under my eyes... {Sleep = taller!}
Ralph: "H-A-P-P-Y N-E-W Y-E-A-R E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y !"