Wednesday, January 9, 2008

My Utter Dissapointment...

I was munching on a Belgium seashell chocolate from Trader Joe's one day, when my dad approached the box of chocolates from which I was eating from. He starting examining it with a strange look, then suddenly declared: "Product of Canada." All of a sudden I was like, "HUH??!" You know, who expects "Belgian" chocolate to be from Canada? I looked at the box carefully, and read, "BELGIAN" on the front. Then I turned it to the back, with the nutrition lable, then looked at the fine print on the bottom. "PRODUCT OF CANADA." I was startled, that such a thing could ever exist. Then, automatically defending Trader Joe's, I said, "Well, maybe they're Belgian type chocolates. You wouldn't know if they were something like that... And maybe when they say Canada, they mean that the chocolates were shipped to Canada and that they were really made in Belgium and that they're really actually genuine and that Trader Joe's is just really bad at expressing ideas with grammar..." My logic power went nada, and my dad kind of looked at me weird. But from then on, I have always referred them chocolates as "Canadian chocolates." Ralph and I still think that they're yummy though. CANADIAN CHOCOLATES. WHOO! :) *note: The seashells in the picture are not the exact ones that I ate, it's just for reference.

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