Sunday, January 20, 2008

Recently Read Books #1

This one day I was reading a book called White Magic, and I was totally offended by it. {Ralph agrees with me.} It's about these girls who form a witch coven, and things happen between the friends. The coven is not exactly Wicca, but it's good magic. Well, in the story when someone joins the coven they gave rules to follow if one wished to be in the coven. One of them was: no blogging. When I read that, I was like GASP!!! with the extra exclamation marks. I was absolutely horrified/insulted. The reason for the rule was that blogging "gives away a part of you" or something like that. Then I wondered: do I give away myself on my blog? Weird thing to blog about, huh? Well, since I'm so confident that no one's reading this anyway, I'll just keep blabbing. Personally, I think I'm blogging about nothing. At least, nothing of significance. I just want to look back at this some day, when I'm all old and stuff, and see what kinds of things I thought about when I was young. Kind of like an electronic journal. But cooler than that 'cause it's Google and it's on the internet. {Unless, for some stupid reason, Blogger's system crashes and all of this is gone forever. But I don't like to think about that.} Paper is so temporary, changes are hard to make, waste of ink if you want to print pictures and all. I've thought about like a personal journal, but that's no fun because you're just writing stuff that only you are going to read because it's so personal or something. Knowing that you are going to share it makes you feel like you want to put something interesting, right? {Sorry for being rediculous, I just watched some documentary on philosophy or something, it's messing with my brain.} Back to the book. It was pretty good, and involved a lot of poetry. The spells were really cool, and some parts of it were kind of funny. The author is Kelly Easton, incase you want to read it sometime. {It's a young-adult book.} Of course, I have nothing to do with the publishing/selling of this book or anything, and I'm not trying to get you to buy it. I hate salesmen/infomercials. O_o Just go to the library. Duh. :)

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