Thursday, January 24, 2008


Ah. There's something that I finally do have. I wore them today, kept me mighty warm.. Random people kept stealing them from me though, AHEM! O_o They kept calling them "gloves," I really have no idea why. What's the difference between mittens and gloves? I like mittens better. :)
Ugh, the wind was like SUPER DUUPER strong today, and I thought it was going to rain hard again, but it didn't. Instead, I flew like 1 inch off the ground. Or at least, I would have if it weren't for all that heavy stuff I was carrying...
It's really just going to come out right now - this template that I'm using, the really really cool one, has like the worst SPACING. I mean, you have nooooo idea how many hours I've spent trying to double space... ugh. MESSAGE TO THE CREATOR OF THIS TEMPLATE: PLEASE, PLEASE, FOR MY BLOGGING SAKE, FIX THE THINGY ON THIS SPACING! All of the other ones are fine, but NO, this one is just SO uncooperative.
In math today we had a test, and it was hard. Well, sort of, I guess it really depends on the grade I get. Haha, yea... we're all like this. :) My ruler was being a compass and decided to not cooperate either. I need to remind myself to get a new one, the ink is wearing off on mine... heh heh heh...
Pizza for lunch today, mine was SOOOOOO small I swear the lunchlady thinks I need to eat less. The crust was... fairly bland. Didn't get any large bubbles this time.. It was still warm when I was eating it though, even against the cold weather. Oh deary, it's so fun talking in detail about a piece of pizza. Isn't this fun?
Thankfully, today I did not require any boots, because for some amazing reason the ground had absorbed all that water. The boot gods must have read my blog post from yesterday. However, I did see a custodian wearing a pair, they looked so pretty...
As a result of my non-logical deductive reasoning, I have concluded the need for a shopping list.
1. pair of water-proof boots, preferably a dark color
2. ruler, less than 1 feet in length, preferably yellow and transparent
3. a box of pizza
4. windbreaker/one of those really large jackets, like a trenchcoat
I suddenly feel so efficient at completing things...
Anyone want to go shopping for me? Ralph and I are too busy playing Monopoly, and he's in the lead! Who knew bread could be so lucky? Hm....

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