Friday, January 25, 2008

To Do List #1

As of now I am playing Animal Crossing {puh-shaw, homework isn't as important as that :P}. Well, as you all know, it's like FRIDAY! which might as well be renamed as "Animal Crossing Day" or "Movie Night." The latter applies more to me. Anyways.... I often find it hard to concentrate and to remember what to do everyday {Ralph has a bad memory too}, so I might as well make a To Do List. Of course, writing it down on paper is like SOO RHETRO, {haha} but it always gets lost somewhere with my other piles of paper on my desk... plus I don't like writing with pencil too much, and wite-out is really obnoxious. I'd then have to go through SOOO much time just to find a piece of paper. I suppose I could do it on a Word Document or something... but this is much more funner. :)

Friday 1/25/08 To-Do List

Animal Crossing:

pick fruit {coconuts, oranges, peaches, cherries, apples, pears}

go shopping for furniture {Nook + Able}

pull out all weeds

water flowers

talk to neighbors


tree project

study vocabulary



revise another essay

practice music

Er... that list looks awfully long.. WHATEVER SHALL I DO?!


So just now, I found this cool carpet in Nook's 2nd floor, it's called "illusion floor." I accidentally bought it by accident... heh heh... My closets are like SO FULL I probably don't have anywhere to put it. Hmph.

There was this other cool item in the clothing shop, called a "grandpa hat." It's really cute/stylish/whateveryoucallit, and I do count of buying it later.

I NEED TO PAY OFF LIKE all MY MORTGAGE! I want a second floor sooo badly you must have no idea. Ugh. Stupid Nook. Let's boycott him. ARE YOU WITH ME?

Lots of coconut trees are successful... YES! More fruit =more bells. MUAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

LOser!! I already have a second floor an I StArtEd At ChRIStMas!