Friday, May 7, 2010

Note to self:

No more movies on Friday nights, especially when there is a project to be done, and an upcoming AP test on the following Monday.


Wednesday, May 5, 2010

It's okay to make mistakes

You just  have to pay for the consequences...

UGH WHY AM I SO STUPID lsdka;flasndfo;iawelfas;lkdnf;oawenf;oiasjdfl;knasd;lfnas;ioejfo;iwaejfo;ianwe;ofnaweonf;lawe;nf


Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Currently drinking orange juice that claims a 140% DV of Vitamin C

That's good for me, I guess.
I should be working on my essay...but I'll probably finish this up and study in bed. A nap sounds okay. Since I'm skipping ROP today (I swear, that's the only good thing about staying home), I'll have an extra 3 hours for the essay. And studying.
I was in bed when I heard it. There was a lot of braking, then a crash, and tires spinning on the asphalt. I think there might have been ambulances? Being almost asleep, I just thought that it couldn't have been dad. He must have already left. So when he came back home, I thought it was because he had forgotten something, not because he needed to drop of stuff from the totaled car.
He never said anything when he came home. In fact, it was Sophie who told me. Apparently Jose saw it and texted her...and I could hear people in the background asking if I was okay. At that point I didn't even know Dad was involved. It was a strange feeling, thinking how absurd they were when I knew that Dad was in one piece. But the car wasn't.
A part of me said that if I had indeed gone to school, we would have left earlier. And the other part says it would have been around the same time. But the truth is, if I had gone to school, he wouldn't have turned left.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Mom, I'm not 16 yet

86. I don't think that's high enough at all, but it's the least of my worries.
Maybe if I just quietly disappear, no one will notice.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

{These brackets look really stupid}

Wow, Eileen's posting. And it actually made sense. Lololololol.
Just got back from Target and started putting up the cork board set. It smells nastayyyyyy.
There was once a time when I didn't care about what I posted. My pictures were always random, the stuff I wrote was out there, and all I did was blab endlessly about the stupid things I did that day...
Mother criticized me for that. But going back to read all that stuff is really fun. I can escape my thoughts of today and time-travel back years ago, to a time when all I was concerned about was ketchup.

Sunday, April 18, 2010


I fail at life I fail at life I fail at life

Saturday, April 10, 2010

I am absolutely loving this new theme

It's so versatile!

Blogger in draft > Blogger

After I finish with this ridiculously tedious homework assignment, I will go enjoy the first part of Godfather II

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

In the band room

Waiting for Track people to finish. 47 minutes remaining...
I really like this keyboard! C:

Posted via email from The Tomato

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Hooray for public computers (The Sequel)

Finished Round 4

I didn't do that great. Or at least, I missed a major oppurtunity. Iono.

Dinner later, got an hour to kill. What to do....? I really, REALLY
wished I had my DS



Posted via email from The Tomato

Hooray for public computers

By public, I mean standing in the middle of the hallway with people
reading off your shoulder kind of public.

At the law school building, finished 3 rounds...

Can't wait for today to be over, so exhausted D:

Posted via email from The Tomato

Monday, March 22, 2010

Friday, February 26, 2010

I think too much

I worry too much
...I think too much

Posted via email from The Tomato

Friday, February 19, 2010

El Biblioteca

Working on stuff...
Goal for this weekend: make the most of my time
Seriously, I have to stop just doing random crap and wasting all my time.
This new mouse is realllyyyy nice. C:

Posted via email from The Tomato

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

In the library (again)

Guava has to stay till 4...Salsa, I think?
Working on notes.
Sophia is doing chemistry homework. And talking on the phone (oooh, not allowed!)
It is raining. Therefore, the library is rather crowded.
Ok, back to work, I need to finish before 7...

Posted via email from The Tomato

Friday, January 15, 2010


Yesterday my parents told me I probably have a smaller head as a result of malnourishment during childhood. I blame that for the B+....ahaha
In the library, ACTUALLY doing research.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Thursday, December 31, 2009

Christmas present


Thank you Albert C:

Posted via email from The Tomato

Thursday, December 24, 2009

I'm so out of it

I don't know what I'm doing anymore

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Reckless abandon

Clear skies, and the rest of the day ahead...

I will make the best of it.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Saturday, December 12, 2009

I wonder

what had compelled me to write all that, even though I knew no one was reading it...
300 posts? Really? ...REALLY?!
When I grow up, I guess I'll be proud to say that as a middle school student, I persevered to write for over a year. Maybe it'll be inspirational someday... I dunno.
Hi Tracy. C:

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

I'm researching for my project

Um....yeah. :/
In the library, band practice later, I have math homework that I don't want to do but but but but but
I will get started on that because I never ever put things off. :/
Ohmigosh koalas!!!

Posted via email from The Tomato

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

I never use posterous enough

I also find it extremely strange that I actually get views...

on posterous...

which never happens...

where is this coming from?

Got work done today

Though it could always be better.

Playing with colors

because I can

 <--yes that is an elephant smiley

Posted via email from The Tomato

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Sophia is reaaally warm

Or actually her jacket
Movie night C:

Sunday, November 1, 2009

I'm back

Seeeeee I'm not that forgetful.

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Plain and simple

I know I haven't changed the theme EVER but now is a good time for change.

These posts always have a bunch of tags

In fact, I'm sure that my tags are from A-Z.
I miss this, I really do.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Wow it's 13-0 already

And only 2 minutes into the game...

I smell barbeque Quite hungry, in fact

And I'm VERY glad I brought my jacket/cape because it's chilly. Sophia is playing music w/ Turtle, Erika is asleep (but pretending to be awake :C), and this game is looking hopeless

This is really fun, if only I could get a messaging plan...:-(

Posted via email from The Tomato

Thursday, October 22, 2009

I am an elastic band stretched to the very maximum

And now I need to snap back into place before I break

Posted via email from The Tomato

Thursday, October 15, 2009

I've been having too much fun today

But this evening was a good time to catch-up and get things straight

I feel so much better after writing that angry letter C;

Posted via email from The Tomato

Monday, October 5, 2009

As I was memorizing at the balcony overlooking the quad

I heard the crickets compose their subtle melodies and witnessed the palm fronds sway in the breeze.

It was serenity.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Widly Fanciful

As I was standing in line, the drumming seemed to be thundering irrelevantly in the background.
Nice weather makes all the difference...
YES, I do happen to be on the school library computer for a very academic cause...I'm, um, emailing my attachment that I need for my uh...English class. Because I ALWAYS have a ton of homework from English class.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Ughhhhh I have to go up first

'Cause like it's like defense first :C

Posted via email from The Tomato

Yay for Autopost

Direct is going well: cord left height fiber tire. 

Listening to Mushabooooom C:

Posted via email from The Tomato

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Raglan Castle

Posted via web from The Tomato

Standing on

Posted via web from The Tomato

Glass (2 of 2)

The Posterous bookmarklet is the bomb C:

Posted via web from The Tomato

I need to let go.

All this useless stuff needs to be thrown away.

I don't even have any use for all this...

Posted via email from The Tomato

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

How Silly of Me

I forgot to change the title :C

Whatevs, just be creative and imagine that I came up with an extremely clever title.

Posted via email from The Tomato

I've Returned!

Just got back, so now it's time to giving a detailed description of all my observations/thoughts that I can recall.


So my alarm goes off, and I turn it off but go back to sleep...for about 10 minutes, until my mother comes in and I realize how late I am. I'm rushing to dress and get ready but by the time I get downstairs for breakfast I'm really tired and not hungry...
As I approach school I check to see if anyone's on the field, since I only had about 4.5 minutes left till the bell. No one was there, and so I later realized that Edo got there just a few minutes before I did and so people were still getting out their instruments, radda radda, no I don't recall what we did during practice, it was just run-throughs and stuff...

We had to turn in our study guides in the morning, so Erika just took it for me because she walks to the B building for 1st period, English was just going over the homework, and I was telling Lizzie about how adorable Ani was...

2nd period we walked in circles, Karen was talking about her cousins and their punishments that they have to suffer...

On my way to 3rd I saw Sophia, she waved and I flinched b/c I thought she was going to hit me...lolz.

For math it was just review again, but Lizzie and I didn't really do it together, it was more of a "oohh I don't get this why are you ahead" and "ooohhh I get this teehee you're behind" and we didn't end up finishing. :C

On my way to 4th I had a chat w/ Katherine about math/Chinese classes, I just noticed that her voice is really soothing... C:

Saw the grade for History, I didn't like it. :C It turns out that I did worse on my quiz than I thought I did... People kept asking questions during class and it got to the point where he had to explain "earth science." Yeah...

Lunch was...usual. Lizzie finally figured out who I was talking about (Ani!), and Jacque's all, "but he can't act!" Ohh pfffft whatever. Eileen...was still hungry after a massive slice of pizza. Lolz. We did some math, and I finally finished! C:

I thought we were going to have the quiz during 5th, but I was wrong, he postponed it or something. He says "mayyyyybeee tomorrow" but I should still study (some more). It turns out that I totally forgot to jot down notes, so I got a 4 for my assignment. :C My average assignment grade is still pretty high, but still...

When I got in the classroom I saw Lizzie/Rudy :D but she totally ignored me D:

The quiz wasn't that great, I made stupid mistakes...

Then we had sectionals, couldn't really focus/hear myself next to the clarinets, but we ended up finishing the song (yayayayayay!) and we ended a little after 4...

Dad was too busy to pick me up, Sophia had an ortho appointment (I really don't like that place), and the band room had exceptional air conditioning so I decided to stay there...

Until I got kicked out by the janitor at about 4:45

So then I went to the front and stayed w/ Cassadra + Joanne. Ummm...I don't remember what we were talking about... :/

Waited a long time for my mother to pick me up, she was talking on the phone about Facebook and how it had the "snowball effect" which I don't really understand. Anyway, we went to the bakery, and I got sponge cake!!! :D

Came home, had sponge cake, went on the computer...

Had a conversation with someone I hadn't talked to in a while, attempted to solve his math problem, then spent 5 minutes writing out the explanation (with my new tablet pen!) than my mother gave me, only to realize that he asked someone else and figured it out already. :/

Dinner was...not that great, wasn't really hungry...

And now I really want to end this post and study/do random crap!

I should stop w/ the ellipses...seriously...


Posted via email from The Tomato

Thursday, September 3, 2009

The faucet pretends to dream of sponges?

Haven't been on here for a while.
Dexter S2E4 right now...
That was mighty awkward.
Day 1 tomorrow, yayyyy...

Sunday, August 2, 2009

I've Returned!

...from San Francisco!

Lots of stuff to do.

Kiwi. :/

Posted via email from The Tomato

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Happy Thursday!

Like any other day, I've got a lot of homework, butttttttt....

Really don't feel like doing much. I'm going to finish one more section of notes and leave the rest for tomorrow...hehe.

Lunch was delish.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Friday, June 26, 2009

Testing I've been playing...

Testing I've been playing with this all night and it seems to work pretty well. Then again I haven't really checked on my computer. So I don't know. But I'm pretty I get to get to talk all I want because it's unlimited after 9 and I don't need internet. Powered by Dial2Do
. Mp3

[Dial2Do from Sharon] Hello I am not typing this which

Hello I am not typing this which is very great no I am actually recording it and this is probably the most accurate thing ever because in comparison to my phony microphone that doesn't really work it just comes out precise and everything almost everything I say is what come out I'm dictating it's a great save of time and I'm just testing right now. PS.
I sent this email using my voice. Listen to it here:
Sent on behalf of Sharon with - Send Text Messages, Emails and more - just phone and talk.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day

No, I didn't forget about it...

Posted via email from The Tomato

Thursday, June 18, 2009



Posted via email from The Tomato

In the Air

On the plane. Really bored. Went to sleep a while ago, but now I don't think I can go back to sleep anymore. Played RH for so long, had lunch, went to the restroom, and did other stuff. I wish we could get there already, though I can't say I'm eager for the landing.

Wow this was from a LONG time ago. It was in my Drafts folder for so long...hehehe...

Posted via email from The Tomato

At Practice


Really, really, really unoccupied.

This was from a while ago also...ahahaha...

Posted via email from The Tomato

Period 6

No, I'm not in the library...they're closed aside from returning textbooks. I'm at 6th Period and since I already passed the final, I won't be needing to do the make-up. Therefore...I have nothing to do.

I really hate this keyboard. So sticky.

Posterous really comes in handy at school. The other posting sites are all blocked, so emailing is perfect (it goes to multiple so I won't have to copy + paste if I wanted to post to all of them).

Yes, I am checking my email right now. And replying to some if. C:

1 hour and 45 minutes remaining. I don't get to sit next to who ever I want. :C

This is so lame. I can't even download a picture. :l

Attempting to chat w/ guava...we will rebel! Who says we can't talk?

Ugh, he declares "no chatting" and guava gets all freaked out. But it's not chatting! He means chatroom! We're just talking via email page!

So sticky. Damn keyboard. -__-

Well, it's strange, but I've just found out that WordPress isn't blocked. What makes it different from Tumblr or Blogger? -__- Stereotyping. Hmp.

I don't know what guava's doing, but she' she's not talking to me anymore.

Eileen's all the way over there, she doesn't have a gmail, but I still can't talk to her...

I guess it's kind of good that we are in a computer lab. On Fridays are free periods, we get to go on the computer. BUT, this situation only makes it 10x more likely for any student to die of some sort of radiation. Really. Even when the computers are turned off, they're still plugged in and the monitors are on. Because they're too lazy to turn them off. -__- I would complain about this, but I'll never be back in here, so whatever.

Sticky icky picky. Nicky. Wicky? Licky? Ricky?

I can't take it anymore. I hate this thing.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Wednesday, June 17, 2009

List Time!

I haven't made one of these lists in forever. NO, I DON'T CARE WHAT THE TITLE IS SUPPOSED TO BE. WHATEVER.
About nothing in particular, perhaps not even factual:
  1. I've had too much chocolate milk in the past few days.
  2. I've also had too much candy.
  3. I need to study for my last final tomorrow.
  4. I think my health teacher has really bad issues.
  5. Sometimes I sit there and think of nothing, and I consider it to be pretty impressive to think of nothing.
  6. I don't want summer to come along.
  7. My fingernails are purple.
  8. Nobody knows that I have 5 birthdays.
  9. I will be graduating in the winter of next year.
  10. There is a plate of soap on my desk.
  11. I haven't posted a picture within a text body in forever.
  12. Genotype is the genetic makeup of an organism.
  13. I believe my glasses are beginning to melt.
  14. I am really really craving ice cream right now.
  15. It is quite sad, but almost all my grades are on the verge of turning into a B. :C
  16. I really despise the fact that our home had poor air circulation.
  17. I really should be starting on my summer homework.
  18. I ate vitamins today.
  19. I ate a lot of yummy things for dinner today.
  20. My mouse is crap. Really.
  21. Tomorrow is the last day of school.
  22. My grandma is coming on Monday then staying for 3 months.
  23. Genes code for proteins.
  24. My phone needs to be charged.
  25. I keep forgetting about small things, but those small things keep building up.
  26. My cup is out of water.
  27. I am thirsty.
  28. Writing choppy sentences makes me irritated.
  29. I have a horrendous sock tan and will never wear shorts again.
  30. Antonio looks ridiculous in a halo.
  31. My lamp is impossible to assemble, and will most likely be returned soon.
  32. I am going to take a shower.
  33. I lied. I'm going to waste time, wait until the last minute, then take a shower.
  34. I am going to go to sleep late because I love to waste time.
  35. I am going to show up late to school tomorrow because I love to be tardy.
  36. I cannot believe that I am on #36 already.
  37. The central nervous system consists of the brain and spinal cord.
  38. I have tape over my eyebrow.
  39. I drank tons and tons of water today.
  40. A cladogram is a diagram of evolutionary relationships among organisms using derived characteristics.
  41. I really need to go shower and sleep now.
  42. There is not enough lighting.
  43. My eyes are going bad this very minute.
  44. I just pressed the backspace key seven times.
  45. I didn't study enough for my final tomorrow.
  46. Selective breeding allows only individuals with desired traits to produce next generation.
  47. My mother is speaking rather loudly right now.
  48. Fitness is the ability of an organism to survive and reproduce in its environment.
  49. I forgot to finish the laundry.
  50. There is a bunch of daffodils on the rampage.
Got to 50! Really now, shower + sleep. Gotta get to class on time tomorrow...

I called it!

Yellow Mini Cooper

Whenever I get out and I have a friend with me, my eyes are always watching. No matter where, I'll always be looking for buggies and I can punch people. C: Even in darkness, I'll spot it before you do. (At least the people less experienced at it...)

This summer, I'll finally be eating ice cream

Homemade butterscotch ice cream

Ice cream. I'm never allowed to eat it because of some bogus excuse that my parents give me. BUT, once it's summer, they're dying in the heat too so they won't mind if I have a little dessert now and then...

Ice cubes are good too.

Wanna buy some?

Bubble Catcher

If I owned a store, I'd sell the things that bring us back to childhood. Some jump ropes (which reminds me, I need to get mine back), some magical bubble-blowing solution, and solar powered toys. Those are the best.

I would also sell stationary. Because it's so fun to buy stationary! It really entices kids to study + learn + be organized when you give them new stuff. Really.

My store would probably also carry sunscreen. Because nobody wants a bad sock tan or skin cancer. Nobody. Seriously, STAY AWAY FROM SOCK TANS.


Whenever I read the posts from almost 2 years ago I immediately direct my cursor to the "delete post" button because the words don't make sense and just take up space.

Really now, what's the point of keeping things? I guess that leads to why even post? It's so much easier to call someone or talk face to face. No one's going to read it anyway...

But I won't delete, because a couple years later, not only will it be stupid, it'll also be funny. Really, really, really funny.

Perhaps it will help with some kind of biography/flashback assignment in the future. Ahah.

Had some apples today, did some laundry, going to study later for my LAST TEST TOMORROW! And then perhaps a corny movie or a retarded children's TV show from Netflix.

Ta-ta for now.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Thursday, May 28, 2009


No, it's not a replacement. It just happens to be more updated. C: It's really strange, I haven't been posting w/ pictures recently. Huh. Maybe it's because it's so time consuming. MSG is the best! I promise you'll never hear me say that again.


@ Sophia's. Finished math, and did most of vocab. C:

I LOVE her computer! It's so fast and it's really easy on the eyes. I don't know why, but it zooms everything without making it blurry. Anyway, I need to study...

Today was pretty uneventful. Really tiring. Ran the mile over my fast time. :C Just 6 seconds off. I now have 19 points remaining? Augh.

We went to get food. MSG + high fructose corn syrup. Don't forget the chemicals from the plastic.

It took me a while to realize that I DON'T USE/UPDATE MOST OF THE WEB LOGS/SITES THAT I MAKE and it's really annoying b/c deleting = deleting the URL, and I like the URLs that I make... :C

Either I start posting more or it's DEATH to you all.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

I'm So Motivated

Aw, I haven't posted in a while.

Just got back from the showcase. Fun... very.

These days I keep thinking that I'm "unoccupied" and have all the free time in the world, when in reality I have many important tasks to take care of.

My head tells me: Time management is overrated.

My parents tell me: At this rate, your future will be a failure.

My papers + planner + teachers tell me: Get working.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Friday, May 22, 2009

At the Salon

Currently Sophia is doing her hair and I have nothing better to do so I'm wasting her texts. What fun. Her keyboard's really weird though, so I'm trying to get used to it. Curls? I know, so strange. :D
 This place has a purple ceiling and I am sick of wrong numbers. This is taking really long, so I'm going to blabber some more.
 I made up the last part of my English finals today, and we have a dreadful essay to work on. At least we have until Wed. We were supposed to do a dissection on crayfish today, but we didn't get to it. Ah, she's still not done. :(
I'm getting tired of this, so I'll just hooe she finishes soon.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Is It My Fault or Is It Yours?

I can't tell.
Just got out of the shower, and you know how I always think too much when I'm overwhelmed with gallons and gallons of water..
A thought occurred to me: do I suffer from insomnia because I will it?
Maybe it's my bizarre way to rebel. I dunno. That seems kind of silly though. Why would I feel the need to put my health at risk?
Nevertheless, I need to stop it soon. If it even is my fault. :/ 
Here is my [illogical] theory that I might write a paper about sometime in college:
I feel the need to be rebellious --> My brain overwhelms w/ emotion --> Emotion leads to high brain activity --> High brain activity counters effects of the little melatonin that I have --> I feel awake and suffer insomnia for long periods of time, with little recovery days after.
Even on weekends I wake up too early now. I couldn't possibly be not tired!
My mother says I need to go to the doctor. Apparently, I also have SERIOUS problems with my:
  • digestive system
  • immune system
  • eyesight
  • feet
  • endocrine system
Isn't that just about everything?
Maybe I'm just not trying too hard...

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Breakfast <3

 My favorite mug. C:

Posted via email from The Tomato

Thursday, April 23, 2009

"The air was drier, cloud cover was limited, and strong winds swept the electric blue skies."

A movie to watch. Then again, I have much better things to do.

Estoy a la casa de Sophia.

Not going home till later. Hm...

Today + future days' list of things to do:

  1. Cite + annotate Things Fall Apart
  2. Revise + compile double entry logs, turn in online, print
  3. Annotate handouts on TKaM
  4. Complete survey
  5. Read Ch.1 of TKam (MON.)
  6. Interpretive Page of Ch.1 of TKam (MON.)
  7. CPB (TUE.)
  8. Outline Biology Ch.17, test on MON.
  9. Outline Biology Ch.18
  10. Outline Honors History packet, test on 5/11
  11. 21-S Vocabulary (SAT.)
  12. 22-1 Workbook (SAT.)
  13. Project (essay + pictures) (SAT.)
  14. Flashcards
  15. Clean (yuckyuck)
Only the purple things are due tomorrow, blecccchhhh.

I am not feeling very productive, this happens to everyone on Thursdays, yes?

I have a movie at home to watch... "Time Bandits." I also have RH... :C MOST OF THIS STUFF WAS SUPPOSED TO BE COMPLETED WEEKS AGO especially my proyecto. :C

Might as well get started.

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Posted via email from The Tomato

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

I Am Determined to do Something Meaningful

Yes, I am going to type up a book. YES IT IS QUOTED. I'M BORED, OKAY?!
Brain Function by Paul Nordstrom August
In the Mainstream of American Life
One of the legacies of the social upheaval of the 1960s is that psychoactive drugs have become part of the mainstream of American life. schools, homes, and communities cannot be 'drug proofed.' There is a demand for drugs--and the supply is plentiful. Social norms have changed and drugs are not only available--they are everywhere.
But where efforts to curtail the supply of drugs and outlaw their use have had tragically limited effects on demand, it may be that education has begun to stem the rising tide of drug abuse among young people and adults alike.
Over the past 25 years, as drugs have become an increasingly routine facet of contemporary life, a great many teenagers have adopted the notion that drug taking was somehow a right or privilege or a necessity. They have done so, however, without understanding the consequences of drug use during the crucial years of adolescence.
The teenage years are few in the total life cycle, but critical in the maturation process. During these years adolescents face the difficult tasks of discovering their identity, clarifying their sexual roles, asserting their independence, learning to cope with authority, and searching for goals that will give their lives meaning.
Drugs rob adolescents of precious time, stamina, and health. They interrupt critical learning processes, sometimes forever. Teenagers who use drugs are likely to withdraw increasingly into themselves, to 'cop out' at just the time when they most need to reach out and experience the world.
Fortunately, as a recent Gallup poll shows, young people are beginning to realize this, too. They themselves label drugs their most important problem. In the last few years, moreover, the climate of tolerance and ignorance surrounding drugs has been changing.
Adolescents as well as adults are becoming aware of mounting evidence that every race, ethnic group, and class is vulnerable to drug dependency.
Recent publicity about the cost and failure of drug rehabilitation efforts; dangerous drug use among pilots, air traffic controllers, star athletes, and Hollywood celebrities; and drug-related accidents, suicides, and violent crime have focused the public's attention on the need to wage an all-out war on drug abuse before it seriously undermines the fabric of society itself.
The anti-drug message is getting stronger and there is evidence that the message is beginning to get through to adults and teenagers alike.
The Encyclopedia of Psychoactive Drugs hopes to play a part in the national campaign now underway to educate young people about drugs. Series 1 provides clear and comprehensive discussions of common psychoactive substances, outlines their psychological and psychological effects on the mind and body, explains how they 'hook' the use, and separates fact from myth in the complex issue of drug abuse.
Where as Series 1 focuses on specific drugs, such as nicotine or cocaine, Series 2 confronts a broad range of both social and physiological phenomena. Each volume addresses the ramifications of drug use and abuse on some aspect of human experience: social, familial, cultural, historical, and physical. Separate volumes explore questions about the effects of drugs on brain chemistry and unborn children; the use and abuse of painkillers; the relationship between drugs and sexual behavior, sports, and the arts; drugs and disease; the role of drugs in history; and the sophisticated drugs now being developed in the laboratory that will profoundly change the future.
Each book in the series is fully illustrated and is tailored to the needs and interests of young readers. The more adolescents know about drugs and their role in society, the less likely they are to misuse them.
Joann Rodgers
Senior Editorial Consultant
The Gift of Wizardry Use and Abuse
Man is endowed with the gift of wizardry, a talent for discovery and invention. The discovery and invention of substances that change the way we feel and behave are among man's special accomplishments, and, like so many other products of our wizardry, these substances have the capacity to harm as well as to help. Psychoactive drugs can cause profound changes in the chemistry of the brain and other vital organs, and although their legitimate use can relieve pain and cure disease, their abuse leads in a tragic number of cases to destruction.
Consider alcohol--available to all and yet regarded with intense ambivalence from biblical times to the present day. The use of alcoholic beverages dates back to our earliest ancestors. Alcohol use and misuse became associated with the worship of gods and demons. One of the most powerful Greek gods was Dionysus, lord of fruitfulness and god of wine. The Romans adopted Dionysus but changed his name to Bacchus. Festivals and holidays associated with Bacchus celebrated the harvest and the origins of life. Time has blurred the images of the Bacchanalian festival, but the theme of drunkenness as a major part of celebration has survived the pagan gods and remains a familiar part of modern society. The term 'Bacchanalian Festival' conveys a more appealing image than 'drunken orgy' or 'pot party,' but whatever the label, drinking alcohol is a form of drug use that results in addiction for millions.
The fact that many millions of other people can use alcohol in moderation does not mitigate the toll this drug takes on society as a whole. According to reliable estimates, one out of every ten Americans develops a serious alcohol-related problem sometime in his or her lifetime. In addition, automobile accidents caused by drunken drivers claim the lives of tens of thousands every year. Many of the victims are gifted young people, just starting out in adult life. Hospital emergency rooms abound with patients seeking help for alcohol-related injuries."
That was up to the first half of page 14. My pinky hurts, I don't like this keyboard. :C
They have to shut off the computers. Only half an hour left...

Posted via email from The Tomato

...Still in the Library -__-

I finished everything before 4 and then I started the outline for Bio... WHICH I WORKED ON FOR A WHOLE HOUR. ONE WHOLE HOUR.
Which is very long considering half of the information is redudant and doesn't make sense (logic wise).
Mi padre is supposed to pick me up today...then dinner at home and off to practice. To do more of nothing. I wish I could bring RH...teehee. C:
NO. I WILL WORK ON MY DUTIES. Yes, that's it.

See and download the full gallery on posterous

See and download the full gallery on posterous

Posted via email from The Tomato

In the Library :l

I've got the hiccups. Bleghhhhhh.

Posted via email from The Tomato

Friday, April 17, 2009

I Have a Deal With My Mother

I have been crazy over RH (Rhythm Heaven) recently...! Mis padres are always BLAH BLAH BLAH over video games, and never see the purpose to them. And so I am taking advantage of the 2 most recent math tests that we've had, which I think I did relatively well on. As of now I have a 89.6% in the class (and I really need to pull it up). We haven't gotten our results yet, so:

IF I get 95%+ on BOTH tests, I can purchase the game, using my own money.

IF I get 100% on ONE test and 95%+ on ONE test, I can purchase the game, they will pay for half.

IF I get 100% on BOTH tests, I can purchase the game, they will pay for ALL OF IT!

Math, unfortunately, is the only subject my mother cares about, and she probably only agreed because she is not very confident about my calculation abilities...

Everyone cross your fingers for me! I WILL GET THAT GAME! 

Posted via email from The Tomato

Thursday, April 16, 2009

No Quiero Bailar Flamenco.

I spent 2 hours trying to reconfigure my PDA, only in vain. My goal was to sync it with my computer, then with Google Calendar, but NOOOO stewpid Palm software has to be so outdated and UNCOOPERATIVE. I give up, that thing is dead. 

Posted via email from The Tomato

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

What is the Point in Driving to a Park?

Attempting to hacer ejercicio.

Lots of people playing soccer. 

¡Esta muy frío!

Ow owie owie. 

Another kite attempt, lots of big knots. Blech.  

Posted via email from The Tomato

Uneaten Apple

I'm working on math and yet Mother beckons me to watch television...

Posted via email from The Tomato

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Sorrowful Day

I feel bad for the villagers who must consume yams their entire lives. Tubers aren't that tasty. 

Posted via email from The Tomato

Monday, April 13, 2009


Sjbslcbqb bxhgsalbsbdkha xhaobs an hakxjva xnlagbamx cnsha fjxilah dahhsujsvd nsjakbshhd r znhdkqbd bdlw I'd did DNA. Dnkdb dauks. Zjqk. DoHa a nsnc is an a ckwbmdkxb xoqnb d. Is xjna x I'd. A be h hqmne. Clqjbsn dbxkkw r jhskr bxhxkwnx jam najdbnalabbs. Xbnabqkns Nbjnabnc. A zbnq a. Xhksjq xjq. A. Znnma x a. X. Sncip so qnkwmixoekqi/&&;&1&;&: 7 sihdk d onam day.
:l . . . .

Posted via email from The Tomato

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Fun Fun

Alllllll the way at the bottom. GO PLAY IT. With Lizzie's help I FINALLY BEAT IT!!!!!! YESSSS.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Downward Spiral of Doom

Just got back home.

Spent the morning/first part of afternoon cleaning, blah blah blah.

Watched Flubber. I LOVE YOU, FLUBBER! Someone needs to buy me some Flubber. ^__^

I debated with what to do w/ the rest of my day. Lizzie wanted me to watch movies w/ her. It was really hot outside.

At first I wanted to go paddle boating (the ones where you ride like you would w/ a bicycle, but it's a boat), but I finally decided on kite flying.

So we went to the park...

There was no wind. AT ALL. Dad and I tried anyway...and I have now mastered a new way of kite flying: the Downward Spiral of Doom. didn't fly.

We then drove to the Lake place w/ the parking.

And then COLDSTONE! I waited at least 20 minutes in line. >:C Got a Kids sized chocolate. (12 and under, equivalent to the size of "Like It" but half-price!) Mmmmmhm. Creamy fatty ice creamy goodness. (Shhhhhhhh! Don't tell my mom.)

On to another park...I finished my ice cream in the car and we tried the kite again. This time there was a lot more wind. For a few flew. For a few moments.

I guess I'll go buy some turnips now?

Posted via email from The Tomato