Saturday, March 29, 2008

At the Movies

Do you like movies? Well, do you watch them? You've watched at least one, right? Or maybe I'm wrong. But, my family sure watches a lot. We have Netflix, so we don't really like to purchase DVD's. Sometimes we go to the library. Anyway, recently, for the times that I've been watching movies with my mom, she always has this funny habit. {Yes, I'm aware that I'm posting this on the international internet, but 1. she doesn't read my blog, 2. she doesn't read my blog, and 3. she doesn't read my blog.} Whether it's an action movie, a romance movie, a horror movie, a mystery movie, or an animation, she tends to try to predict what might happen later on. Just like anyone, right? Except, when she's predicting, it's always about death. And she's always talking about how blahblahblah is probably dead and how blahblahblah is also dead and maybe even blahblahblah is dead as well. Haha, I know, funny huh? Although, one thing is that: she says it with such certainty. Instead of: Is blahblahblah dead? It becomes: Blahblahblah is dead. {notice the "period" shows that it is statement.} In the past, my reaction would have been: OH MY GOSH REALLY? And recently, I've just learned that this really is going to carry on with the same pattern. Mom, please stop saying blahblahblah is dead.... it's hard to follow the plot when there are not characters. O_o

Friday, March 28, 2008

Things To Do, Places To Go

I was just looking back as some of my {horrible} posts. Oh BOY do I blabber a lot. Except, the more current ones are more to the point.
Then again, making it long just aggravates you even more, doesn't it? :]
I suppose it has something to do was a person yelling "SHORT, CONCISE,  AND TO THE POINT!" in my ear every single day for the rest of my life. It kind of gets to me.
Anyway, if I remember correctly, I used to like to blabber because someone else also told me that by blabbering you brainstorm better, meaning something can come out of the nothing.
I suppose both sayings are true. Although, I prefer the latter, since it's just easier to blabber a lot.
Hm, I think I'll stop now. I need to pack for my trip...
~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - ~ - 
Minutes later...
Ricardo: Eh...
Ricardo: Eh....
*crashing noises*

Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Comfy Chair

*Sigh...* It gets so woozy when the weather is warm {or at least starting to get warm}. This project of "daily blogging" is obviously ruined. Even if I do try to pick up the pieces, I would be really, really, old. Why am I always thinking of the impossible.
Anyway, I went to a presentation from an author today, and thought about how she had written books, most of which were three hundred pages. So I though, "Hm, if she can write that much, I guess I do my best..."
So, yet again, I am here, sitting in my not-so-comfortable chair, making a fool of myself.
Ha, thank goodness nobody reads this thing.
Also... she was talking about how she can't write without having chocolate on hand. Wow, is that funny. I'm eating Toblerone right now. :D
I have some more challenging coloring work to do. Plus, I really need to catch up on the 100 something days I had missed... In addition, I should really stop with all the transitional phrases. I STRONGLY BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE GETTING TO MY HEAD!

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Talking to Myself #1

I like talking to myself. Somehow it just feels... like I'm talking to myself. :]
Oh, and the cool thing about it is, you don't have to make sense.
At all.
{Hey look, those are some pretty cupcakes!}
Just like how I am when I'm blogging.
Isn't that cool?
Except... there are times when you don't catch yourself talking to yourself, so you don't really notice it when people stare at you weird and slowwwyyy waaalllkkkk aawwwaaaaayyyy.

Saturday, March 22, 2008


I went to a bookstore today {it was a messy one too}. You want to guess what I found?
It was one of those yellow books, you know the ones that are called, BLAHBLAH for Dummies ? Yeah, those stupid books. Except it wasn't just the usual BLAHBLAH, it was a funny BLAHBLAH.
Something like WordPress for Dummies.
HA! Can you imagine that? {In case you didn't know, WordPress is a site that hosts blogs and is kind of like BlogSpot but not quite the same.}
Well anyway, I flipped through the book, and it was very, very, VERY well suited for a dummy. No offense but, it was talking about WHAT BUTTON TO PRESS.
I mean,
Then they had some stupid stuff... But most of all the reason why I didn't like it was for the fact that it was WordPress. I looked at some before, and they looked so-so, but the only thing that made it repulsive was the advertisements. Have I mentioned how annoying they are? Ugh, horrible.
It makes WordPress horrible too.

Friday, March 21, 2008


If you've noticed my {recently updated} Twitter, you can see that yes, I have not posted for a long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, long, TIME. You get the point, right?
I still agree with what I had previously said about March: it is the month of REDISCOVERY! I am, again, into books. I mean, seriously into them. The: oh-gosh-I-can't-stop-reading-because-I-have-a-huge-pile-over-there-so-I-have-no-time-to-blog kind of thing. Yeah.
There are lots of things to do... But once in a while I happen to be just like "What?" out of nowhere. Seriously.
So, it's late, I'm pressing the SHIFT key too many times, and my computer had a compute-fart. Yeah.
*NEWS!* Officially, Ralph has left the building. I mean, he went out my window the other day and said he had a good time, but that I was starting to bore him. It's okay. {sniff*sniff*} At least he said goodbye...
So, now I have this new friend, {yes aren't I so POPULAR? :D} and his name is RICARDO. He's a robot. :]
There is always space for change....

Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Day in Events #8

Hey look it's #8 already! :]
-Morning: TELEVISON MARATHON! God I haven't watched television in so long, much less after I wrote an entire essay talking about how horrible it is. TOM AND JERRY MARATHON! Wheeeee... I watched around 2 hours straight. Oh, how I love those guys. You know how there are different versions of those cartoons? I guess that's because the producer is different. The most popular ones are by "Fred Quimby." They aren't bad, but they're not my favorite. Chuck Jones, he's the bestttttttt. :D His drawings are much more furry, and they just look better. But, they are just as much humorous as the Fred Quimby. I'm still a lot more happy when I see a Chuck Jones's cartoon though. :]
-I had some kind of Nutella waffle for breakfast. Nibbled on it as Jerry smashed Tom with something or another. So violent, gosh!
-Prepared delivery for a Christmas present...Yeah. Didn't know how to wrap since it was so irregular... DON'T SAY ANYTHING! :P
-Swimming! Indoors of course, which later costed me irritated skin. Yuck.
-Need to think of topic of essay {for which I didn't start...!} Cause/Effect. Dad isn't very helpful today.
-Okay, I give up. I'm going to do: effects of lack of sleep. That at least sounds better than junkfood...Thank god there doesn't have to be a counter-arguement.
-AND THEN...I'm just reminding myself right now, that I need to continue reading that book for the assignment, as well as study for 2 vocabulary quizzes. Should also finish revisions tomorrow...
-Lots of work to do, need to SLEEP! Recently I've noticed there's lots of things that make sense in my essays, yet I become a hypocrite by not following my own advise. Ha, I'm a hypocrite. HIPPO... :]

Saturday, March 15, 2008


Ho-hum... went to a college {for some miscellaneous reason}.
Eh, the campus what kinda okay. And new.
But you know what was really cool?
The design. You should have seen the buildings.
So circular. :]

Monday, March 10, 2008


Again, with the browsing, I really am spending too much time on the computer. {Sigh..*}
I came upon this one site called Twitter. It was really interesting because it functioned like mini-blog, except just really plain. It's for keeping friends and family updated on what you're doing.
Aw...look how cute that little birdie is.
I put one of those little box thingys at the left column up there. :]
Go get one! {I never said anything...} :D

Sunday, March 9, 2008

A Few Moments Ago...

I had this panic moment when I realized my case of color pencils wouldn't open
and I was like,
because I dearly, dearly needed them for a stupid project.
So I rushed to my Dad.
I had some soup.
He opened the case.
And I'm perfectly fine now.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Day In Events #7

Arg, the days are passing so fast these days - I can't keep up with my posts! Yes, apparently they are going faster than me. THIS IS A RACE, PEOPLE!
-I got 10 hours of sleep today. YAY! I GET A GOLDEN HAPPY FACE! :)
-I had class today. {English, of course.} It wasn't so bad. YAY I GOT 100% ON MY VOCABULARY QUIZ! See? That's what you get for studying. :P
-Library trip! Yop, yop. I returned a WHOLLLEEEEEE bunch {that I didn't finish since they were all non-fiction and super uber boring}, and then I borrowed wayyyyyyy more than I returned. :D
-I read for the rest of the afternoon. As well as worked on my project. It's very distracting when you've got some idiot bugging you about how watery strawberries are.
-Ugh, the stupid phone keeps ringing. SHUT UP, WILL YOU? I DON'T GIVE A rats poop ABOUT TELEMARKETERS, DANG IT!
-Stupid Blogger won't let me put on all these labels that I want to put on. Sheesh, don't have to be so stingy about the labels! >_<
-Now there's this weird error thing - every time I try to upload a picture, it fails. Over, and over, and over again. Ah.
I think Ralph's a bit angry at me. I've neglected him all day {and a lot of the past week too}. I'M SORRY RALPH. I'M SURE WE'LL GET TO FINISH THAT TREE HOUSE SOME OTHER DAY. I like construction. It's fun. WAIT. EXCEPT - I hate it when I get paper cuts from the stupid blueprint paper. Darn blueprints. The paper just HAS to be so thick, doesn't it? {sigh....*}

Friday, March 7, 2008


This is so fun! I'm... rediscovering blogs again! Yay.
NOW do you get why I was calling this month the month of "rediscovery"? :D I'm always right.
I will be dedicated! Except, this isn't top priority. :P I'M SORRY RALPH! IT'S OKAY!
Going over to that other blogging site really helped me become grateful for BlogSpot. I have to say, it is a LOT less cluttery. Then again, there's always space for improvement.
So I have decided... now it's BLOGS 2X. I think I need help.
Now everywhere I go, I'm going to take my little blue notebook {YAY! NOTEBOOK!} and jot down some thing that was appealing to me, and look back at it later. Inspiration is difficult to come by, you know?
In the mean time, I'll just fill in all those huge blank spots... hehhehheh... O_o

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Uh, Wow?

I can't believe it, but I have to say this:
I am being slightly somewhat of a traitor to Blogger.
Yea. I am.
But seriously? There's this really cool blogging site {which name I am not going to mention since I don't want to be any more of a traitor}, and they have THE awesomest templates. Yes, I'd go there for the templates. Who wouldn't?
So this is just kind of announcing, I'm only testing it out right now, I'm not saying I'm going to delete this. Of course not! I've spent too much time putting up with it. I refuse.
The Internet is a vast and amusing playground...go explore! Don't spend all day here, ugh that would be so pointless. Ralph agrees with me.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008


My DS froze.
I am devastated.
The mole-guy came to haunt me. O_O
I didn't save my Animal Crossing game.
All that precious game-playing time just went down the drain.
All because my stupid DS froze.
I don't give a rat's poop if you don't care.
Yes I am going to make you read till the end of this and put up with my retarded faces.
Ok I think I'm a little bit more calm now.
No wait, I take that back. Ralph's laughing at me. YOU KNOW WHAT? YOU LITTLE....
{exits to beat the living poop out of that monster of a bread. don't feel sorry.}

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Georgy Porgy

Georgy Porgy, pudding and pie,
Kissed the girls and made them cry.
When the boys came out to play,
Georgy Porgy ran away.
One of Eliza's favorites. 

Monday, March 3, 2008

A New Lesson

So do you remember all those times I was ranting on and on about how awesome Google is and stuff?
And how cool it was the BlogSpot was part of Google?
Well... it kind of took me a while to realize that Google had purchased BlogSpot.
Meaning that BlogSpot was originally, it's own company.
Meaning, Google didn't necessarily come up with BlogSpot.
There's some disappointment here....

Sunday, March 2, 2008


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... I sooo feel like screaming at the world right now. Too bad my throat is too sore. I'm not even going to bother. Yes, yes, I am super, uber, aware of the fact that this blog is going to die from negligent homicide. I am aware. O_o So, anyone do anything lately? Yeah, I thought so. Everyone is in a period of: WHOOOOOOOOSH! Very hard to get out of. No wiggle space, just kind of sit there and watch the clock. Waiting. Waiting. OW! I JUST GOT A PAPER CUT! {This is what happens when you look at the clock for too long. You don't notice people around you who may look innocent, but who are really trying to kill you with excessive paper cuts. Don't you sleep better that night knowing that?} Blech, paper cuts are nasty. Band-aids are nasty too. Why can't they make non-nasty band-aids? Stupid Band-aid factories. I INTEND TO BOYCOTT YOU ALLLL!!! Guess, guess, guess what? I've FINALLY had a chance to change the stupid settings on my PDA! {Yes, I do have a PDA. That's the trend for the new retards. You should get one too.} :D Now the alarm doesn't sound as retarded before. It used to be "Concerto" {don't ask} but now it's "Sci-fi"! {wheeeeeeeeeeeeee...} It's like that totally awesome, ohmigosh? I need to add on to my list of tasks: "Stop being so retarded. Due date: NOW." Ralph's been absorbed into the television. He doesn't like spring very much.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Beginning of March

Yay, it's March! NO, wait, I meant: Nay! It's March! Yuck.'s it going? O_o
Wheeeee...I think this may be... the 100th post! Wait, lemme double check...
Nope, it's not. Probably because I keep changing the orders of them... teeheehee. :D
Still. Let's celebrate! Break out the ORANGE JUICE! YEAH! It's Vitamin C supplementary. :]
Today, thus ends the month of learning and begins the month of redicovery. {February was the month of Learning, officially dubbed that because of all the cramming I had to do for various subjects. Heeheehee. Did you miss it?}
I'm eating Cheetos right now. Mmmmmmmmhhmmmm... :] Why am I always endorsing things by accident? I really don't know. But if YOU know, maybe I'll get you a prize. Like a bottle of Aquafina or something. :]
~snicker,snicker~ There I go again.
Ralph is sighing at me. What did I do?