Saturday, March 1, 2008

The Beginning of March

Yay, it's March! NO, wait, I meant: Nay! It's March! Yuck.'s it going? O_o
Wheeeee...I think this may be... the 100th post! Wait, lemme double check...
Nope, it's not. Probably because I keep changing the orders of them... teeheehee. :D
Still. Let's celebrate! Break out the ORANGE JUICE! YEAH! It's Vitamin C supplementary. :]
Today, thus ends the month of learning and begins the month of redicovery. {February was the month of Learning, officially dubbed that because of all the cramming I had to do for various subjects. Heeheehee. Did you miss it?}
I'm eating Cheetos right now. Mmmmmmmmhhmmmm... :] Why am I always endorsing things by accident? I really don't know. But if YOU know, maybe I'll get you a prize. Like a bottle of Aquafina or something. :]
~snicker,snicker~ There I go again.
Ralph is sighing at me. What did I do?

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