Saturday, March 8, 2008

A Day In Events #7

Arg, the days are passing so fast these days - I can't keep up with my posts! Yes, apparently they are going faster than me. THIS IS A RACE, PEOPLE!
-I got 10 hours of sleep today. YAY! I GET A GOLDEN HAPPY FACE! :)
-I had class today. {English, of course.} It wasn't so bad. YAY I GOT 100% ON MY VOCABULARY QUIZ! See? That's what you get for studying. :P
-Library trip! Yop, yop. I returned a WHOLLLEEEEEE bunch {that I didn't finish since they were all non-fiction and super uber boring}, and then I borrowed wayyyyyyy more than I returned. :D
-I read for the rest of the afternoon. As well as worked on my project. It's very distracting when you've got some idiot bugging you about how watery strawberries are.
-Ugh, the stupid phone keeps ringing. SHUT UP, WILL YOU? I DON'T GIVE A rats poop ABOUT TELEMARKETERS, DANG IT!
-Stupid Blogger won't let me put on all these labels that I want to put on. Sheesh, don't have to be so stingy about the labels! >_<
-Now there's this weird error thing - every time I try to upload a picture, it fails. Over, and over, and over again. Ah.
I think Ralph's a bit angry at me. I've neglected him all day {and a lot of the past week too}. I'M SORRY RALPH. I'M SURE WE'LL GET TO FINISH THAT TREE HOUSE SOME OTHER DAY. I like construction. It's fun. WAIT. EXCEPT - I hate it when I get paper cuts from the stupid blueprint paper. Darn blueprints. The paper just HAS to be so thick, doesn't it? {sigh....*}

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