Thursday, March 27, 2008

A Comfy Chair

*Sigh...* It gets so woozy when the weather is warm {or at least starting to get warm}. This project of "daily blogging" is obviously ruined. Even if I do try to pick up the pieces, I would be really, really, old. Why am I always thinking of the impossible.
Anyway, I went to a presentation from an author today, and thought about how she had written books, most of which were three hundred pages. So I though, "Hm, if she can write that much, I guess I do my best..."
So, yet again, I am here, sitting in my not-so-comfortable chair, making a fool of myself.
Ha, thank goodness nobody reads this thing.
Also... she was talking about how she can't write without having chocolate on hand. Wow, is that funny. I'm eating Toblerone right now. :D
I have some more challenging coloring work to do. Plus, I really need to catch up on the 100 something days I had missed... In addition, I should really stop with all the transitional phrases. I STRONGLY BELIEVE THAT THEY ARE GETTING TO MY HEAD!

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