Saturday, March 22, 2008


I went to a bookstore today {it was a messy one too}. You want to guess what I found?
It was one of those yellow books, you know the ones that are called, BLAHBLAH for Dummies ? Yeah, those stupid books. Except it wasn't just the usual BLAHBLAH, it was a funny BLAHBLAH.
Something like WordPress for Dummies.
HA! Can you imagine that? {In case you didn't know, WordPress is a site that hosts blogs and is kind of like BlogSpot but not quite the same.}
Well anyway, I flipped through the book, and it was very, very, VERY well suited for a dummy. No offense but, it was talking about WHAT BUTTON TO PRESS.
I mean,
Then they had some stupid stuff... But most of all the reason why I didn't like it was for the fact that it was WordPress. I looked at some before, and they looked so-so, but the only thing that made it repulsive was the advertisements. Have I mentioned how annoying they are? Ugh, horrible.
It makes WordPress horrible too.

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