Friday, March 7, 2008


This is so fun! I'm... rediscovering blogs again! Yay.
NOW do you get why I was calling this month the month of "rediscovery"? :D I'm always right.
I will be dedicated! Except, this isn't top priority. :P I'M SORRY RALPH! IT'S OKAY!
Going over to that other blogging site really helped me become grateful for BlogSpot. I have to say, it is a LOT less cluttery. Then again, there's always space for improvement.
So I have decided... now it's BLOGS 2X. I think I need help.
Now everywhere I go, I'm going to take my little blue notebook {YAY! NOTEBOOK!} and jot down some thing that was appealing to me, and look back at it later. Inspiration is difficult to come by, you know?
In the mean time, I'll just fill in all those huge blank spots... hehhehheh... O_o

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