Sunday, March 16, 2008

A Day in Events #8

Hey look it's #8 already! :]
-Morning: TELEVISON MARATHON! God I haven't watched television in so long, much less after I wrote an entire essay talking about how horrible it is. TOM AND JERRY MARATHON! Wheeeee... I watched around 2 hours straight. Oh, how I love those guys. You know how there are different versions of those cartoons? I guess that's because the producer is different. The most popular ones are by "Fred Quimby." They aren't bad, but they're not my favorite. Chuck Jones, he's the bestttttttt. :D His drawings are much more furry, and they just look better. But, they are just as much humorous as the Fred Quimby. I'm still a lot more happy when I see a Chuck Jones's cartoon though. :]
-I had some kind of Nutella waffle for breakfast. Nibbled on it as Jerry smashed Tom with something or another. So violent, gosh!
-Prepared delivery for a Christmas present...Yeah. Didn't know how to wrap since it was so irregular... DON'T SAY ANYTHING! :P
-Swimming! Indoors of course, which later costed me irritated skin. Yuck.
-Need to think of topic of essay {for which I didn't start...!} Cause/Effect. Dad isn't very helpful today.
-Okay, I give up. I'm going to do: effects of lack of sleep. That at least sounds better than junkfood...Thank god there doesn't have to be a counter-arguement.
-AND THEN...I'm just reminding myself right now, that I need to continue reading that book for the assignment, as well as study for 2 vocabulary quizzes. Should also finish revisions tomorrow...
-Lots of work to do, need to SLEEP! Recently I've noticed there's lots of things that make sense in my essays, yet I become a hypocrite by not following my own advise. Ha, I'm a hypocrite. HIPPO... :]

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