Sunday, March 2, 2008


AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... I sooo feel like screaming at the world right now. Too bad my throat is too sore. I'm not even going to bother. Yes, yes, I am super, uber, aware of the fact that this blog is going to die from negligent homicide. I am aware. O_o So, anyone do anything lately? Yeah, I thought so. Everyone is in a period of: WHOOOOOOOOSH! Very hard to get out of. No wiggle space, just kind of sit there and watch the clock. Waiting. Waiting. OW! I JUST GOT A PAPER CUT! {This is what happens when you look at the clock for too long. You don't notice people around you who may look innocent, but who are really trying to kill you with excessive paper cuts. Don't you sleep better that night knowing that?} Blech, paper cuts are nasty. Band-aids are nasty too. Why can't they make non-nasty band-aids? Stupid Band-aid factories. I INTEND TO BOYCOTT YOU ALLLL!!! Guess, guess, guess what? I've FINALLY had a chance to change the stupid settings on my PDA! {Yes, I do have a PDA. That's the trend for the new retards. You should get one too.} :D Now the alarm doesn't sound as retarded before. It used to be "Concerto" {don't ask} but now it's "Sci-fi"! {wheeeeeeeeeeeeee...} It's like that totally awesome, ohmigosh? I need to add on to my list of tasks: "Stop being so retarded. Due date: NOW." Ralph's been absorbed into the television. He doesn't like spring very much.

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