Friday, February 29, 2008

Leap Year!

Hey look, it's Leap Year! Wait, I mean, Leap Day? Leap Year Day? Leap Day Year? BAH! It's February 29th, if you want to be so picky about it. :P
I'm not really sure why, but this day has always reminded me of leaves, not leaps. Maybe because they sound so similar. O_o
Ralph's looking at me weird.
What? What'd I do?
I know some people who are born on February 29th. Lucky duck butts.
Then again, it's obliously better to have your birthday everyday. Nobody would forget. Or at least that's what I think.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Goosey, Goosey, Gander

Goosey, goosey, gander,
Whither dost thou wander?
Upstairs and downstairs
And in my lady's chamber.
There I met an old man
Who wouldn't say his prayers;
I took him by the left leg,
And threw him down the stairs.
Cracked open my nursery rhyme book today... these really are something, aren't they?

Monday, February 25, 2008

Define It

ensconce - v. place snugly

Sunday, February 24, 2008

An Excerpt to Brighten Your Day

"Many vegetables and fruits are spherical in shape and tone and shading in your drawing will help to create the illusion of a sole object."

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Random Trivia #3

Yay it's the 3rd one already! :] Some changes:
  • going to have less questions! {the spacing ticks me off. therefore, less quantity means less spacing to fix}
  • no answers :] {there's this thing called research.}

You ready? Of course not.

  1. How many moons does Mercury have?
  2. Fill in the blank: Monsoon winds bring heavy ______.
  3. Over which continent is the hole in our ozone layer located?
  4. What type of rock is made up of fine rock particles?
  5. What candy bar was named after its inventor's family horse?

Please leave your answers in comments {well, if you have any answers}. It's okay if you researched it, at least you even bothered. People who have answere correctly will.... will... be featured as the people with the correct answer... I suppose.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Cold, oh so Cold...

Ahhhh... Ralph and I are currently wanting for some good, old, cold ice cream. Even if it's still cold. Oh, well. The memory of those nights, when the fridge was choc-full of that stuff... and eating it before bed... Oh, how we miss you. But apparently we have none of that. All we have is some stupid yogurt. Which is definitely not as good, as the lovely ice cream. We miss you! Come back! {sniffle, sniffle*} Not fair.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Gulp, Gulp*

So, I'm on a roll again, and I was at the supermarket... When I saw a bottle of VitaminWater! :D Yes, and I had always wanted to try one of those. They looked so cool. Many people talk about their packaging, it is indeed attractive. Nice, bold colors, along with interesting labels. THEY'RE PRICY, TOO! About an average bottle for around $2. Wow. Yet I suppose there are also others who say it isn't exactly healthy, seeing that it consists of calories and sugar. I don't seem to one of those who care about calories... I went on the website, and they did a good job with that too. There was even a "Try It" page, the interactive sort. :D You want to see mine? Well it has sound, so remember to turn on your little sound thingy, whatever it is.
Oddcast Powered
Like it? :] Those things are funny to come up with. The website: The Try It page: My Try It page, just incase the above one won't work {which will probably happen}: They also have other products, like smartwater, and fruitwater, ect. Mainly water-like things. :] *Again, I HAVE to say, no I am not endorsing them purposely, I just kind of those it would be interesting to share the product with you. KIDS AREN'T VERY GOOD PROMOTION PEOPLE. DON'T COUNT ON IT.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So you know, I was doing my usual browsing... when I came upon a new website {new indicating I had never seen it before}. It's really cool! So how it works, is: You create an account. You create a profile. You add books to your lists. You can write reviews for books. You can give a book a rating. You can explore new books. You can find out what your friends are reading. {You can make up your lists, or you can choose from "read, currently reading, or to-read."} You make friends. You create groups. You join groups. You can even WRITE your own stuff on there. It is SOOOO cool, I tell you. Hmmmm. Do I see anybody interested? No, of course I'm not giving you my profile address. Puh-shaw. :P If you are bored, and have lots of time, and is already done with blogging for the day, you should go ahead and make an account if you don't have one, and add some books! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee...! Ralph likes to say that alot. Who knew breads had a high pitched voice? Hm.

Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Google Earth

Uhhuh, I'm back, with more useless info on the stuff I've been doing recently. It took me a while to find this feature in Google Earth {yea, I'm not a good instructions follower} but I finally did. Earth's City Lights, under NASA, under Gallery. It's really cool actually, because it lets you see how the big cities look like at night {through satellite}. Of course, it also shows you how much light pollution is being released. {cough*} It's slightly depressing at times, looking at how much electricity is put out. But mostly it's fun being able to see it. Here's a snapshot of the United States at night {or at least most of it... I couldn't fit Alaska. Sorry}. Amazing, huh? Google is like super awesome. They have a new fan now. :D Well, actually 2. Ralph agrees with me also. :D

Monday, February 18, 2008

A Day in Events #6

Lalalalala.... Yes, yes, another busy day.... Let us analyse. I had my computer on practically the WHOLE ENTIRE DAY. Yes, I am certainly, certainly, very ashamed of myself. Better make some use of it. Awesome lunch - homemade fries! {With old ketchup, of course.} Oh, beat that! {Excluding the ketchup part.} Not the same as these, though. Sooooooooooooooooooooo yummy... Thanks to dad. :D I browsed awhile... going from here, to there, and straying far away from brainstorming for my project. I need an idea! Then, it HAPPENED! Out of nowhere... My lip swelled up. Well, at first, it was just itchy. Then, it was bumpy. Then, it changed color. O_o Ya, bizzare. Thank god it didn't last too long. I guess the salty dinner took care of it. :]

Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Day in Events #5's a Sunday. Yay. Too bad I got interrupted in my beauty sleep. My dad woke me up to ask if I knew where the gel pack was. Dazed, I responded, "Gel Pack?" He left me, in my misery, to face the dark world. I had lots of things to do today.
Dentist appointment. Stupid dentists. I had to reschedule this one, because we didn't get the notifications for the last one. {Our home phone was broken, remember?} Their latex gloves freak me out. I think some of them get to lazy to change them. {shudder*}
Flute class. I was late, {yet again} because in the first place I had to have lunch late, and before that I had come back from the dentist late, because before that my dad wanted to go grocery shopping, but prior to that I was woken up late, when my dad asked for the gel pack. It's a circle. Cycle. Whatever.
{sigh..*} So much stuff. STUFF! stuffstuffstuff. Yes, I SO just said that. What are you gonna do now, tape my fingers?
Ralph kinda passed out today. Too tired. We all need healthy caffine pills.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Further Exploring...

Yes, yes, I am again, on an expedition to explore the furthest depths of Google. Wow, that was really redundant! Moving on, I meant to say that I was going through some more of those experimental phases where I try out the new software of Google. {Remember Google Pages + Google Groups? Well there's a lot more than that.} This time... it was Google Earth, Google Sketch-up, and Google Notebook. I had Google Earth before, but this time I got the new version {yes, they have a new version!} :] And I had also tried Sketch-up before, but then again, this was the age of rediscovery. The Renaissance, as some like to call it. {Well, not exactly...} :D Or, the phase in which I "spend-too-much-time-on-the-computer." I have to say, Google Earth's new version has this super cool feature, the SKY. Where, in the world, do you find GOOGLE SKY? Here, of course: Here you will find all the necessary information and the place to download the software. {Yes, it's free.} I liked the way they made the feature, it's SO COOL! Of course, then again.. you do get a little dizzy. Spheres! Ya, I made a lot of spheres with Sketch-up. I was fun. :D And then I made a block of cheese... Well, I certainly don't get the connection, but there you have it: it's an endless world of 3-D modeling. With you in control. Cool, eh? Ok, ok, get ready for the awesomest part: GOOGLE NOTEBOOK! Doesn't the name just sound awesome? It's a place where you can create multiple notebooks, then in the notebooks you can add sections, and there are not only notes but also the clippings feature. {This means you can copy something from the internet and directly clip it into your notebook.} Sure, Microsoft Word can do that, but can they SHARE IT?! No. Of course not. You can also work with a partner on the notebook + make a link for it. Kind of like Google Docs, but more interactive {and pretty-looking.} :D Anyone want to try? Yes, yes, I am aware of the fact that Ralph and I may sound like we are advertising for Google. But seriously? Blogger is part of Google. So you shouldn't really be saying anything. :P

Friday, February 15, 2008

Challenge of the Day/Week/Month/Year? #5

Ralph and I are back..
With another challenge!
This challenge will feature...
Spending an entire day without eating food that someone else made. Therefore, this means that the final product you are eating must have come from something you have created yourself, but not entirely. {I mean who knows how to grow tomatoes without buying soil?} This has to apply to EVERYTHING you eat for that day. COOK IT YOURSELF!
Are you up to the challenge? :]

Thursday, February 14, 2008

Happy Valentine's Day

Wheeeeeeeeee.. It's Valentine's Day. Yippee. Wahoo. O_o This so called holiday, or as my teacher says, "commercial holiday", is upon us. Let us all celebrate. O_o It's pink/red and hearts all over. I refuse, REFUSE to put gushy hearts on this post. Haha. Yep. Um... ok never mind. These just look too good.


Ralph and I wishes everyone a happy Valentine's Day {as much as we are slightly aggrivated by it}!

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Let the Countdown Begin!

Guess what day it's going to be soon?
Guess! Guess! Guess! Guess! Guess!
On March 13th... it's going to be...
Just a little bit more than a month...
ARE YOU READY?! I'm not exactly ready right now. Need to study, a LOT!
Anyone eat any pies recently?
Ralph feels left out {'cause he's not a pie}. :D
So hyperrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr... off of pies..

Tuesday, February 12, 2008


Ugh, that picture of the computer is just so darn ugly I can't stand it. But of course I don't think I want to bother taking it down. It's made a place for itself. IT'LL DOMINATE US ALL, I TELL YOU! Beware. Well anyways, might as well post something to bump it down. Haha, you should see some people when they bump. Actually I think it's called "bam". There's a technique to it too... So, in an effort to help this piece of rat poop look less like a piece of rat poop, I should put up something that looks a lot nicer than that rat poop looking picture. Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee... there we go. :] Ya'll have a nice day now, Ralph and I are gonna go make Nutella sandwiches. :P

Monday, February 11, 2008

Such a Waste...Tsk Tsk

Oh wow! Today was a waste of time. Well, actually, more than just time. Mainly band-aids. I kept replacing mine for that one cut I had. It gets really annoying to I have to keep replacing it.... Arg. And then I wasn't really concentrating when I was trying to study, instead it was just random events on the computer. Stupid computer. I really hate you sometimes, you know. ><
Anyone waste things today? I also didn't go recycling. Does that count too? O_o Well, I certainly do need to. Our pile is getting large...
Maybe I could also save time + energy by not turning on the computer all the time. Hmp. Stupid computer. SEE? It all comes back to you. :P RALPH! We have some business to do...

Sunday, February 10, 2008

I Got a Boo-Boo... :P

AHHHHHHHHHHHH! Today, I was moving my hand towards the disk space thingy in the computer {the one that ejects} and it was SOOOOOO SHARP and totally pierced/sliced my skin when I came too close... It hurt so bad! At first it didn't really look like anything, but then the blood started coming out and you could see the depth of the cut. I actually FOUND the piece of skin that came off my hand. My right, close to the wrist.
You want to know who's fault it was? THE PERSON WHO DECIDED TO OPEN THE CD-ROM. O_o Oh, you know who you are. {It's not me.} ><
At least Ralph helped me put the bandage on...

Saturday, February 9, 2008


I went to Borders yesterday, and got this super awesome calendar {they had it on sale for $1 since its February, they always do this} and it has cryptograms on it! Really fun though. How it works is they have a passage, and the letters are all super scrambled. 1 hint is provided, such as H=O or something like that. So, maybe from now on, I'll post up random cryptograms, see if you can guess them. {No, I'm not taking credit for them.} They're supposed to be "funny", but I just think the solving part is fun. :D
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... so much stuff to do. Anyone want to help me study about economics and accounting? Ralph isn't much of a helper, he keeps getting these headaches...

Friday, February 8, 2008

Complain, Complain, Please Ignore

Well it is inevitable anyway, so I'm just going to complain some more {mostly about lack of efficiency}. Today was such a waste of time and I am so dissapointed ---> therefore I shall use excessive italics, please beware. I was doing homework the whole afternoon, but I took forever because I kept side-tracking myself {I don't know how} and it really wasted a lot of time. Ugh there is so much stuff to do and I DIDN'T FINISH! Tomorrow is tutoring, Sunday is flute class, I need to practice a bit more... I've got several projects to do, and a lot of weekend homework. I actually don't mind the fact that I have to do all this work, but I do mind the fact that I take forever and am never able to finish in the time I'm supposed to! Ralph has recently been complaining about how short my posts are these days. Ralph, I apologize. The blender frapreed my brain. Sorry about that.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Chinese New Year

I was looking up something on Google today, when I remembered that it was Chinese New Year. So, wondering what picture Google would put up for this holiday, I decided to go to the home page. Yes, they did happen to have a picture, and it is like so cute! Since this is the year of the Rat, they had some rats on it.
That's not the picture but I SWEAR RALPH AND I SAVED IT {or at least tried to}. Maybe I just put it somewhere else.. Hm...
Well, happy Chinese New Year!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Well, remember when I was talking about how I was discovering all these new things from Google? That exploration sure has been developing. Ralph and I have recently created a new blog {with a co-author, hopefully this time they DO post...} and also a Group. {I don't think I'm really going to introduce other to Ralph on those other pages, he's too special.} :) But actually both of those are under construction, so the URLs will not be publicly revealed. I'm just saying this 'cause it's fun telling people about things, then not really telling them about it. :D
Personally, Google is like super awesome with all its cool stuff. But I swear the programs can get SOOOO annoying sometimes..
Like for example: This blog right here. The spacing. How long it takes me to MAKE THE ENTER KEY WORK. {sigh..*}
I've been kinda having problems with the Groups pages. They won't let me save! Won't! Let! Me! SAVE! Very, very, aggrivating indeed. Takes at least 50 tries or so to change the name and address. Ugh.
However, we all know that one who appreciates is one who is satisfied. This stuff really is great, so I shouldn't complain too much. {but still.}
Have fun not seeing my new sites. :D

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Another Somewhat Entertaining Dinner

Today we had dinner again {of course! i eat every meal :]} and I definitely proved my intelligence {yea, right}. Sometimes I seriously think we're being video-taped for a TV show or something when we're eating dinner. Everything feels so scripted. It went something like this {i'm paraphrasing, of course}:
Dad looks at shrimp in bowl from take-out. He comments of how bad it is because of the black spine thingy.
Dad: Those vines from the shrip aren't supposed to be there. It means that its bad quality.
He scowls at the shrimp.
Mom: Well they can't possibly remove it for you, it takes too long...
Dad: Still. It's really unhealthy to be eating that.
Me: Really? Why?
Dad: Well, the shrimp's diet mostly consists of small oceanic creatures, and those creatures live off of miniscule pieces of dissolved trash. Therefore, the vine is the waste of the shrimp, and is often contaminated.
Me: But what if there is no artificial trash?
Dad: Then, they eat other waste from other fish.
Me: Wait, so feces is considered trash?
Dad: Uh-huh.
That last thing I said kind of made me feel like I was being obnoxious on purpose. It was funny though. Of course, you weren't there. They haven't really made teleportation machines yet, so it's not your fault.
I think the shrimp's feces of the pollution is getting to my head. Ralph, go get me a pack of ice... O_o

Monday, February 4, 2008

Highlight of the Day

So while I was brushing my teeth I decided to have a little chat with my mom. I always brush out of the bathroom. :)
Me: Hey mom, what's your favorite movie?
Mom: Hm... well I have lots.
Me: Just name one of them.
Mom: Umm... Gone With the Wind.

Me: AHAHAHAHAHAHA.. {part where I start cracking up}

Mom: What's so funny?

Me: Well there's all these movies these days that you've watched... and you pick such an old one! How classic. :)

Mom: ...

Me: That SO goes on my blog!

And, there you have it. Make any sense? No, of course not. You should NEVER expect that from my posts. I should write a list of rules... Hm... Remind me later, Ralph. :)

Sunday, February 3, 2008

Breakfast, Anyone?

I had breakfast today {yay, breakfast!}, no more boring bread + milk! {no offense Ralph} It's time for a revolution! I'm kidding.
I ate {dun, dun, dunnnnnnn...} hashbrowns + old ketchup. Hashbrowns? Good. Old ketchup? Bad. It was all squishy and stuff... the oils had seperated from the red stuff. Gross.
The hashbrowns weren't too bad. They weren't fried black, and they weren't too soggy. Couldn've been better, though. Oh well.
Gasp! I didn't drink milk today! Hope my bones + teeth won't fail me.
Do you people usually eat breakfast?

Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Day in Events #4

Ah... It's a beautiful day today. Too bad you missed it. Pity Ralph and I spent most of it indoors.

In the morning, I woke up kind of late, but eventually did when my parents turned the volume of their music too loud. {Yes, they have a bad taste in music, and we also have a very loud sound system. Darn that techonology.} It was a bit whoozy...and then I remembered I had a class today! {insert surprised face here} I had to do a lot of stuff, including reviewing those 110 vocabulary words that I was going to get tested on. It was getting kind of quiet, so I turned on the music. Popped in a Tchaikovsky CD {how the heck does anyone spell his name?}, Nutcracker Suite and ect. But then I realized my REMOTE RAN OUT OF BATTERIES. I threw a fit, except nobody was really listening, so it was pointless and just made my throat sore. {I guess bad music makes people fussy..?} Well anyways, I have to remember to replace the battery. {Anyone recycle any batteries lately?} I had lunch {noodles!}, but then the egg was all squishy and uncooked... My dad gave excuses like, "Well maybe they were frozen really bad..." or "I think it was because of the cold soup that I pour on it after..." Has anybody seen the egg prices these days? Such an increase..! Then it was finally time for my tutoring class, I think I did pretty well with the vocabulary test {only missed 2}. However, I forgot one of my homework assignments {read chapter 3!} Ah.... what a pity. Now I have to finish 1 essay, 1 revision, and 2 more chapters of vocabulary {and read chapter 3!}. Remind me before I forget! :) The cable guy came today {isn't it funny how they're called "cable guys"? who wants to be called that?} and he finally fixed our phone. It's even more absurd that its our HOME PHONE. How in the world does a home phone not work? My dad got kind of frustrated because he didn't take off his shoes. He should have taken off his shoes. Tsk, tsk... Then out comes the vacuum cleaner! Him and his vacuum cleaner. After tutoring and after cable guy left, we played some badminton! Have I ever said anything about how awesome badminton is? IT'S MY FAVORITE SPORT. Except today when we played, I got all dizzy. The wind was really big too, so I was probably out there for 45 seconds. {wow, that is a LOT of exercise!} Usually when there are no stupid gusts of wind, it's really fun and enjoyable. SOMEBODY KILL THE WIND SO I CAN PLAY BADMINTON! Br... The wind was really cold too. coldcoldcold. But if summer winds are warm, then why do fans in the summer cool you down? Hm. I should look that up. The highlight of the day {not really}: I PRACTICED FLUTE! WAAAHOO! And for 45 minutes straight too. Aren't you proud of me? :) I have got to say, my embrochure was getting weak. I have class tomorrow, need to practice those darn pieces! Scales are still harder though.. Have you tried the 2 octave ones? Run out of breath so quickly. {sigh..*} Then, after I finished, I cleaned the thing, interior and exterior, with my special cleaning cloths! :D

Some more animal crossing... I've got no more fruit to pick!

I was called to dinner, and it seems my nose has failed me.

Me: Do we have shrimp tonight?

Mom: No. Lotus roots.

Me: Oh.

We got a call from a book store too. {Our phone's fixed! :)}

Dad made some weird kind of soup with taro in it, and he was talking about how good it was.

Dad: Really! This is good! It's taro! It's like ice cream!

Me: Please don't make me barf.

Yop, that was our fairly entertaining dinner.

Then I did some coloring, {applying wax on paper is SO FUN!} some charcoal stuff, and some fossil digging {animal crossing, again}. It's still very cold. O_o