Monday, February 18, 2008

A Day in Events #6

Lalalalala.... Yes, yes, another busy day.... Let us analyse. I had my computer on practically the WHOLE ENTIRE DAY. Yes, I am certainly, certainly, very ashamed of myself. Better make some use of it. Awesome lunch - homemade fries! {With old ketchup, of course.} Oh, beat that! {Excluding the ketchup part.} Not the same as these, though. Sooooooooooooooooooooo yummy... Thanks to dad. :D I browsed awhile... going from here, to there, and straying far away from brainstorming for my project. I need an idea! Then, it HAPPENED! Out of nowhere... My lip swelled up. Well, at first, it was just itchy. Then, it was bumpy. Then, it changed color. O_o Ya, bizzare. Thank god it didn't last too long. I guess the salty dinner took care of it. :]

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