Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Another Somewhat Entertaining Dinner

Today we had dinner again {of course! i eat every meal :]} and I definitely proved my intelligence {yea, right}. Sometimes I seriously think we're being video-taped for a TV show or something when we're eating dinner. Everything feels so scripted. It went something like this {i'm paraphrasing, of course}:
Dad looks at shrimp in bowl from take-out. He comments of how bad it is because of the black spine thingy.
Dad: Those vines from the shrip aren't supposed to be there. It means that its bad quality.
He scowls at the shrimp.
Mom: Well they can't possibly remove it for you, it takes too long...
Dad: Still. It's really unhealthy to be eating that.
Me: Really? Why?
Dad: Well, the shrimp's diet mostly consists of small oceanic creatures, and those creatures live off of miniscule pieces of dissolved trash. Therefore, the vine is the waste of the shrimp, and is often contaminated.
Me: But what if there is no artificial trash?
Dad: Then, they eat other stuff...like waste from other fish.
Me: Wait, so feces is considered trash?
Dad: Uh-huh.
That last thing I said kind of made me feel like I was being obnoxious on purpose. It was funny though. Of course, you weren't there. They haven't really made teleportation machines yet, so it's not your fault.
I think the shrimp's feces of the pollution is getting to my head. Ralph, go get me a pack of ice... O_o

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