Thursday, February 21, 2008

Gulp, Gulp*

So, I'm on a roll again, and I was at the supermarket... When I saw a bottle of VitaminWater! :D Yes, and I had always wanted to try one of those. They looked so cool. Many people talk about their packaging, it is indeed attractive. Nice, bold colors, along with interesting labels. THEY'RE PRICY, TOO! About an average bottle for around $2. Wow. Yet I suppose there are also others who say it isn't exactly healthy, seeing that it consists of calories and sugar. I don't seem to one of those who care about calories... I went on the website, and they did a good job with that too. There was even a "Try It" page, the interactive sort. :D You want to see mine? Well it has sound, so remember to turn on your little sound thingy, whatever it is.
Oddcast Powered
Like it? :] Those things are funny to come up with. The website: The Try It page: My Try It page, just incase the above one won't work {which will probably happen}: They also have other products, like smartwater, and fruitwater, ect. Mainly water-like things. :] *Again, I HAVE to say, no I am not endorsing them purposely, I just kind of those it would be interesting to share the product with you. KIDS AREN'T VERY GOOD PROMOTION PEOPLE. DON'T COUNT ON IT.

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