Friday, February 1, 2008

Podcasting Streak!

I've recently been going crazy over podcasts {therefore I am not blogging. I don't plan to apologize anytime soon, either.} Did ya miss me? Of course not, non-existent people don't have feelings, whoops I forgot. {whacks myself on the head*} :] So, some of my awesome selections for those podcasts have been: NPR podcasts {news, poetry, health, science, enviroment}, NG {news}, Discovery {news}, NYT {news}, podcasts involvinhg learning new languages, and many others I have all downloaded but not listened to yet. {I think that as of now there's been around... 1000 new podcasts! Been downloading too much..} So, now that I'm kind of out of that phase, I have to come back to add more nonsense to my ever-growing cache. So... I'm off! Yes, I absolutely agree how pointless this post was. Happy podcasting! {No, I don't have a podcast, and I will not make one seeing how absurd my voice sounds.} :)

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