Saturday, February 2, 2008

A Day in Events #4

Ah... It's a beautiful day today. Too bad you missed it. Pity Ralph and I spent most of it indoors.

In the morning, I woke up kind of late, but eventually did when my parents turned the volume of their music too loud. {Yes, they have a bad taste in music, and we also have a very loud sound system. Darn that techonology.} It was a bit whoozy...and then I remembered I had a class today! {insert surprised face here} I had to do a lot of stuff, including reviewing those 110 vocabulary words that I was going to get tested on. It was getting kind of quiet, so I turned on the music. Popped in a Tchaikovsky CD {how the heck does anyone spell his name?}, Nutcracker Suite and ect. But then I realized my REMOTE RAN OUT OF BATTERIES. I threw a fit, except nobody was really listening, so it was pointless and just made my throat sore. {I guess bad music makes people fussy..?} Well anyways, I have to remember to replace the battery. {Anyone recycle any batteries lately?} I had lunch {noodles!}, but then the egg was all squishy and uncooked... My dad gave excuses like, "Well maybe they were frozen really bad..." or "I think it was because of the cold soup that I pour on it after..." Has anybody seen the egg prices these days? Such an increase..! Then it was finally time for my tutoring class, I think I did pretty well with the vocabulary test {only missed 2}. However, I forgot one of my homework assignments {read chapter 3!} Ah.... what a pity. Now I have to finish 1 essay, 1 revision, and 2 more chapters of vocabulary {and read chapter 3!}. Remind me before I forget! :) The cable guy came today {isn't it funny how they're called "cable guys"? who wants to be called that?} and he finally fixed our phone. It's even more absurd that its our HOME PHONE. How in the world does a home phone not work? My dad got kind of frustrated because he didn't take off his shoes. He should have taken off his shoes. Tsk, tsk... Then out comes the vacuum cleaner! Him and his vacuum cleaner. After tutoring and after cable guy left, we played some badminton! Have I ever said anything about how awesome badminton is? IT'S MY FAVORITE SPORT. Except today when we played, I got all dizzy. The wind was really big too, so I was probably out there for 45 seconds. {wow, that is a LOT of exercise!} Usually when there are no stupid gusts of wind, it's really fun and enjoyable. SOMEBODY KILL THE WIND SO I CAN PLAY BADMINTON! Br... The wind was really cold too. coldcoldcold. But if summer winds are warm, then why do fans in the summer cool you down? Hm. I should look that up. The highlight of the day {not really}: I PRACTICED FLUTE! WAAAHOO! And for 45 minutes straight too. Aren't you proud of me? :) I have got to say, my embrochure was getting weak. I have class tomorrow, need to practice those darn pieces! Scales are still harder though.. Have you tried the 2 octave ones? Run out of breath so quickly. {sigh..*} Then, after I finished, I cleaned the thing, interior and exterior, with my special cleaning cloths! :D

Some more animal crossing... I've got no more fruit to pick!

I was called to dinner, and it seems my nose has failed me.

Me: Do we have shrimp tonight?

Mom: No. Lotus roots.

Me: Oh.

We got a call from a book store too. {Our phone's fixed! :)}

Dad made some weird kind of soup with taro in it, and he was talking about how good it was.

Dad: Really! This is good! It's taro! It's like ice cream!

Me: Please don't make me barf.

Yop, that was our fairly entertaining dinner.

Then I did some coloring, {applying wax on paper is SO FUN!} some charcoal stuff, and some fossil digging {animal crossing, again}. It's still very cold. O_o

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Anonymous said...