Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Google Earth

Uhhuh, I'm back, with more useless info on the stuff I've been doing recently. It took me a while to find this feature in Google Earth {yea, I'm not a good instructions follower} but I finally did. Earth's City Lights, under NASA, under Gallery. It's really cool actually, because it lets you see how the big cities look like at night {through satellite}. Of course, it also shows you how much light pollution is being released. {cough*} It's slightly depressing at times, looking at how much electricity is put out. But mostly it's fun being able to see it. Here's a snapshot of the United States at night {or at least most of it... I couldn't fit Alaska. Sorry}. Amazing, huh? Google is like super awesome. They have a new fan now. :D Well, actually 2. Ralph agrees with me also. :D

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