Saturday, February 23, 2008

Random Trivia #3

Yay it's the 3rd one already! :] Some changes:
  • going to have less questions! {the spacing ticks me off. therefore, less quantity means less spacing to fix}
  • no answers :] {there's this thing called research.}

You ready? Of course not.

  1. How many moons does Mercury have?
  2. Fill in the blank: Monsoon winds bring heavy ______.
  3. Over which continent is the hole in our ozone layer located?
  4. What type of rock is made up of fine rock particles?
  5. What candy bar was named after its inventor's family horse?

Please leave your answers in comments {well, if you have any answers}. It's okay if you researched it, at least you even bothered. People who have answere correctly will.... will... be featured as the people with the correct answer... I suppose.

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