Wednesday, February 20, 2008


So you know, I was doing my usual browsing... when I came upon a new website {new indicating I had never seen it before}. It's really cool! So how it works, is: You create an account. You create a profile. You add books to your lists. You can write reviews for books. You can give a book a rating. You can explore new books. You can find out what your friends are reading. {You can make up your lists, or you can choose from "read, currently reading, or to-read."} You make friends. You create groups. You join groups. You can even WRITE your own stuff on there. It is SOOOO cool, I tell you. Hmmmm. Do I see anybody interested? No, of course I'm not giving you my profile address. Puh-shaw. :P If you are bored, and have lots of time, and is already done with blogging for the day, you should go ahead and make an account if you don't have one, and add some books! Wheeeeeeeeeeeee...! Ralph likes to say that alot. Who knew breads had a high pitched voice? Hm.

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