Monday, February 11, 2008

Such a Waste...Tsk Tsk

Oh wow! Today was a waste of time. Well, actually, more than just time. Mainly band-aids. I kept replacing mine for that one cut I had. It gets really annoying to I have to keep replacing it.... Arg. And then I wasn't really concentrating when I was trying to study, instead it was just random events on the computer. Stupid computer. I really hate you sometimes, you know. ><
Anyone waste things today? I also didn't go recycling. Does that count too? O_o Well, I certainly do need to. Our pile is getting large...
Maybe I could also save time + energy by not turning on the computer all the time. Hmp. Stupid computer. SEE? It all comes back to you. :P RALPH! We have some business to do...

1 comment:

Eileen said...

oh how sad! RECYCLE! IT`S GOOD FOR THE WORLD! x] yessiree. note the time i commented. ;D

btw, this is like the first time i ever commented anybody on here. :D FEEL SPECIAL, SHARON!! x]