Friday, February 22, 2008

Cold, oh so Cold...

Ahhhh... Ralph and I are currently wanting for some good, old, cold ice cream. Even if it's still cold. Oh, well. The memory of those nights, when the fridge was choc-full of that stuff... and eating it before bed... Oh, how we miss you. But apparently we have none of that. All we have is some stupid yogurt. Which is definitely not as good, as the lovely ice cream. We miss you! Come back! {sniffle, sniffle*} Not fair.


Anonymous said...

hey norah, i`m actually commenting. :] blogspot SUCKS. to me. :]

sharon said...

oh, blech. YEA RIGHT.

you know, I was trying to find your URL but i kept forgetting to ask.. teeheehee :D