Sunday, February 17, 2008

A Day in Events #5's a Sunday. Yay. Too bad I got interrupted in my beauty sleep. My dad woke me up to ask if I knew where the gel pack was. Dazed, I responded, "Gel Pack?" He left me, in my misery, to face the dark world. I had lots of things to do today.
Dentist appointment. Stupid dentists. I had to reschedule this one, because we didn't get the notifications for the last one. {Our home phone was broken, remember?} Their latex gloves freak me out. I think some of them get to lazy to change them. {shudder*}
Flute class. I was late, {yet again} because in the first place I had to have lunch late, and before that I had come back from the dentist late, because before that my dad wanted to go grocery shopping, but prior to that I was woken up late, when my dad asked for the gel pack. It's a circle. Cycle. Whatever.
{sigh..*} So much stuff. STUFF! stuffstuffstuff. Yes, I SO just said that. What are you gonna do now, tape my fingers?
Ralph kinda passed out today. Too tired. We all need healthy caffine pills.

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